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MICDIF - Linking Microbial Diversity and Functions across Scales and Ecosystems - Streambed biofilms and downstream dissolved organic matter (DOM)

Description: Das Projekt "MICDIF - Linking Microbial Diversity and Functions across Scales and Ecosystems - Streambed biofilms and downstream dissolved organic matter (DOM)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Ökologie durchgeführt. Headwater streams account for most of the channel length in drainage networks, are tightly connected with the terrestrial environment and their high performance to retain and process catchment inputs can influence the functioning of downstream rivers and coastal waters. Recent findings on DOM chemistry and metabolism have challenged the common wisdom that riverine DOM is largely refractory. This has now led to a fundamental revision of global riverine carbon fluxes. Most of the DOM in streams and rivers is of terrestrial origin. Yet surprisingly little research has focused on the microbial and biogeochemical processes that operate at the interface where the terrestrial load enters the aquatic ecosystem. The objective of this individual project is to study the coupled patterns and processes between the microbial community colonizing this key interfacial system and the biogeochemistry of DOM derived from leaf litter decomposition. We will use bioreactors to dissect the effects of streambed biofilms on the transformation of terrestrial DOM in the streambed and its composition when entering the streamwater. Rather than considering the elemental fluxes (C, N and P) in isolation, we will consider their stoichiometry, which we relate to the microbial community and its physiological status.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Gerinne ? Wasserstraße ? Fluss ? Biogeochemie ? Buchhaltung ? Ökologie ? Stöchiometrie ? Anfechtung ? Biofilm ? Bioreaktor ? Chemie ? Küstengewässer ? Laubblatt ? Siedlungsabfall ? Organisches Material ? Wirkung ? Innsbruck ? Gelöster organischer Kohlenstoff ? Mikrobielle Vielfalt ? Ökosystemfunktion ? Bewässerung ? Dränung ? Aquatisches Ökosystem ? Studie ? Wasserspeicher ? Wasser ? Verwitterung ? Belastung ? Wirkung ? Globale Aspekte ? Stoffwechsel ? Umwelt ? Entwässerung ? Forschung ? Ökosystem ? Einsatz ? Funktion ? Gemeinschaft ? Grundlage ? Leistungsfähigkeit ? Projektstudium ? Schnittstelle ? Verarbeiten ? Diversität ? biogeochemisch ? gekoppelt ? gelöst ? neu ? stromabwärts ? verwandt ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2007-05-01 - 2011-04-30




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