Description: Das Projekt "Establishment of Environmental Health Information System Supporting Policy Making" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von World Health Organization, European Centre for Environment and Health, Bonn Office durchgeführt. Goals: Identify policy relevant information on exposure to environmental hazards, its determinants and health effects, as well as information for policy evaluation. Update the core set of environmental health indicators including those relevant for children's health allowing monitoring of CEHAPE and E EH strategy. Develop and apply methods allowing the use information from existing national and international data bases, and surveys assuring streamlining of data processing. Test the developed methods by the partner countries collecting information and preparing international assessment reports on selected issues. Develop and test in participating cities methods for health impact assessment of indoor air quality and noise. Develop and test data-exchange software including data-control and analysis. Prepare and test methodology for analysis and reporting of current EH situation and policy-effectiveness assuring effective dissemination of EH information and risk community.; Approaches: Both theoretical and practical issues must be resolved to achieve the project objectives. Experts, selected according to their scientific and technical proficiency, will make initial proposals for the project outputs based on the review of available scientific and practical evidence. After an evaluation by the project participants, the proposed methods will be tested for feasibility by the network of national collaborators according to the uniform protocol. The experiences from the tests will be collected and compared at a Project Meeting, involving both the experts and network members. Based on the expert's opinions and practical experiences from the testing, the final methods will be proposed for implementation on the basis of consensus reached by the project participants. The main risk in this approach is a possibility that the approaches proposed by experts on theoretical grounds will be not feasible. Intensive interaction between experts and practitioners should reduce this risk. ; Results: Comparable information on environment and health in the pan-European Region. Information on environment and health is often scattered across many institutions and gathered in non-standardized format. The ENHIS site ( hosts comparable data and information on priority environment and health issues, selected on the basis of international policy frameworks on environment and health. Its content includes: - a core set of indicators, selected on the basis of relevance and availability of data, describing environmental exposures, health effects and policy measures for these issues. These indicators are also meant to help monitoring and evaluating progress made towards national and international commitments taken by countries; - a series of indicator-based assessments ('fact sheets'), providing an analysis of core issues across the Region; - country information for the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region; - an overview of policies on core issues, at both natio
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Bonn ? Main ? Schall 03 ? Gesundheitsschaden ? Brunnen ? Weltgesundheitsorganisation ? Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen ? Raumluftqualität ? Umwelt-Kernindikatoren ? Datenaustausch ? Kind ? Software ? Umweltbelastung ? Europapolitik ? Europa ? Bewertung ? Monitoring ? Risikoanalyse ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Datenverarbeitung ? Umweltgefährdung ? Umwelthygiene ? Allgemeine Gesundheit ? Wirkungsgrad ? Exposition ? Stadt ? Geodäsie ? Bohrkern ? Informationssystem ? Daten ? Gesundheitliche Bewertung ? Lärm ? Literaturauswertung ? Literaturstudie ? Umwelt und Gesundheit ? Datenbank ? Gesundheit ? Körperschaft ? Risiko ? Umwelt ? Gebiet ? Politik ? Kontrolle ? Maßnahme ? Bericht ? Strategische Aspekte ? Indikator ? bestehend ? Land ? Verfügbarkeit ? Vergleichbarkeit ? Methode ? Vorschlag ? Vorschläge ? ausgewählt ? Annäherung ? national ? verfügbar ? vergleichen ? Methodik ? Möglichkeit ? wissenschaftlich ? Meinung ? Projekt ? Sachverständiger ? Betriebserfahrung ? Einsatz ? Ergebnis ? Umsetzbarkeit ? Gehalt ? Aktualisierung ? Gemeinschaft ? Untersuchung ? Hilf ? Länder ?
Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2005-11-01 - 2007-10-31
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