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Integrated Computational Assessment of Urban Air Quality via Remote Observation System Network (ICAROS NET)

Description: Das Projekt "Integrated Computational Assessment of Urban Air Quality via Remote Observation System Network (ICAROS NET)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Teilinstitut für Atmosphärische Umweltforschung durchgeführt. Monitoring of air pollution in the case of Munich is task of the measurement network operated by the Bavarian agency for environmental protection. Additionally information was provided from the measurement campaigns. The representativeness of all measured data and the influences of different seasons were investigated at first. For the determination of particle concentrations from satellite images the necessary relationship between the optical depths and the corresponding particle concentrations was investigated for the periods of the measurement campaigns. With this objective the optical depths determined from the ground-based sun-photometer measurements were correlated with the corresponding particle concentrations measured at the same sites in frame of the measurement campaigns. For this task the optical thickness of the atmosphere was corrected after the portion in the mixing layer. The corrected optical thickness of the sun photometer measurements was likewise correlated with the particle concentration in the mixing layer. During measurement campaigns in Munich daily mean PM10, PM2.5 and PM1.0 concentrations were determined. Temporal variations of the concentration, the spatial distribution (3 measurement locations) and concentration conditions after the particle sizes were investigated. In the case of Munich aerosol altitude profiles were determined from optical measurements (ceilometer; see Münkel et al. (2003), Münkel et al. (2004)) and ultra-light aircraft measurements. The mixing layer height was determined either by remote sensing (ceilometer, Minilidar, SODAR, WTR; see Emeis et al. (2004), Emeis and Türk, (2004), Emeis (2004)), ultra-light aircraft or radiosondes or in frame of the project consortium by models of boundary layer. These final data are available at the data bank. The measured data of mixing layer height are compared with modelled mixing layer height. The influence of mixing layer height upon measured air quality data (e.g. PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0 and CO concentrations) is determined in frame of a Diploma Thesis work (Gabriel Peicu) 'Characterisation of the air pollution in Munich and Budapest'. The investigation of the meteorological influences upon air pollution and corresponding health impacts will be studied in this Diploma Thesis work on the basis of demographic data too. Data of the ground-based monitoring network and retrieved from satellite images are fused in the ICAROS NET platform as described in Sarigiannis et al. (2003), Sifakis et al. (2003) and Sarigiannis et al. (2004) the case of Munich. This platform is applied to determine additional information for the monitoring of particulate air pollution in the Munich region and demonstrated for some days in 2003. The adaptation to the Munich region covers the development from routines for the collection of data, for example from the measuring network, and the expenditure of information, which were defined by the Bavarian agency for environmental protection. This is perf


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Karlsruhe ? München ? Bayern ? Messgerät ? Messstellennetz ? Meteorologie ? Pflanzensamen ? Satellitenbild ? Sodar ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? PM10 ? PM2,5 ? PM1 ? Aerosol ? Emissionsüberwachung ? Feinstaub ? Immissionsdaten ? Immissionsüberwachung ? On-Site-Verfahren ? Partikelgrößenverteilung ? Photometrie ? Topographie ? Partikelanzahl ? Gesamtstaub ? Monitoring ? Bodenhorizont ? Jahreszeit ? Umweltforschung ? Luftqualität ? Budapest ? Demografie ? Bodenluft ? Klimaforschung ? Sicherheitsmaßnahme ? Datenbank ? Urbaner Raum ? Datenerhebung ? Atmosphäre ? Fernerkundung ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Grenzschicht ? Gefahr durch Schadstoffe ?

Region: Bayern

Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2001-09-01 - 2005-02-28




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