Description: Das Projekt "Tree mycobiota and emerging diseases" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Professur für Forstschutz und Dendrologie durchgeführt. We study the diversity and biology of endemic and introduced mycobiota which is associated with woody plants. Fungal pathogens are major causes of tree diseases and fungal diseases are frequently triggered by environmental change and biological globalization. New species are increasingly introduced, host jumps occur and hybridization events create new diseases. In this project we study actually and potentially emerging fungal diseases as well as the endophytic tree mycobiota in Switzerland by taxnomic, genetic and phytopathological methods. Examples comprise Lecanosticta-needlecast of pines (caused by Mycosphaerella dearnessii), dogwood anthracnose (Discula destructiva). ash dieback associated with Chalara fraxinea and Phytophthora-diseases. Non-native sentinel hosts are regularly observed and fungi associated with symptoms are recorded. Within the context of this project, we are also involved in the FORTHREATS-network (Emerging Diseases and invasive Species Threats to European Forest Ecosystems).
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Esche ? Kiefer ? Dendrologie ? Zürich ? Biopharmazeutikum ? Eschentriebsterben ? Baum ? Genetik ? Brunnen ? Schweiz ? Invasive Arten ? Biologie ? Waldökosystem ? Pilzbefall ? Globalisierung ? Gehölzpflanze ? Endemie ? Mykose ? Baumkrankheit ? Studie ? Waldschutz ? Pilz ? Biologische Sicherheit ? Rechtsverfahren ? Infektionskrankheit ? Umweltveränderung ? Hybridisierung ? Krankheit ? Krankheitserreger ? Beispiel ? Projektstudium ? Vorgang ? biologisch ? endemisch ? Diversität ? Globalisierung [ökonomisch, politisch] ? Krankheitsbild ? Methode ? Projekt ? Art [Spezies] ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2003-10-28 - 2025-02-04
Accessed 1 times.