Description: Das Projekt "Ueberwachung der Verschmutzung des Mittelmeeres: Marine Organismen als ubiquitaere Marker - Neuartiger Ansatz" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Mainz, Universitätsmedizin, Institut für Physiologische Chemie, Arbeitsgruppe Angewandte Molekularbiologie durchgeführt. Objective: - To study and characterise the stress proteins and the MFO system of four common Mediterranean organisms (the seabream Sparus aurata, the colonial sea squirt Botryllus schlosseri, the siliceous sponge Geodia cydonium, and mytilid mussels) under defined field and laboratory conditions; - To study the effects of pollutants on cell cultures raised from tunicates and sponges; - To develop an array of probes (oligonucleotides and antibodies) for fast and simple detection of stress protein levels; - To establish a combined bioassay method for surveying different levels and sources of pollution in the Mediterranean Sea. General Information: - The studied areas: - Haifa Bay: Adjacent to one of the major industrial areas of Israel, and a considerable number of industries discharge their effluents into the bay either directly or through the Kishon river. It is also an area that is used as a commercial fishing ground; - The Northern Adriatic (Rovinj): A highly polluted area including zones heavily polluted and others that are less affected by human activities. The gradient of pollution at the marine sites near Rovinj ranges from unimpacted sites through gradually more impacted sites, and areas heavily impacted by the wastes of a local cannery; - The Aegean coast (Izmir Bay): With a total length of 2,800 km, Turkey's longest coastline. Wastewater discharges into the Aegean occur at a total of fifteen points along it's Turkish coastline, including seven rivers, six tourist enterprises, other sources of household wastes of various sizes, and one industrial zone. The total pollution load of these sources is equivalent to that of a population of around 10 million. - The selected organisms - Botryllus schlosseri (Pallas) is a cosmopolitan encrusting colonial tunicate (Protochordata); - The siliceous sponge Geodia cydonium (Jameson) is a common cosmopolitan organism; - The mytilid mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mytilaster minimus) are cosmopolitan bivalves; - The gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata; Sparidae) is an economically important marine fish. All four organisms were found to be useful as model organisms for biochemical monitoring of environmental pollutants. - Characterisation of stress proteins: The study will be done simultaneously on all four animals collected from clean, relatively non-polluted areas (laboratory studies) and on animals collected from polluted or semi polluted areas for evaluation of the levels of different heat shock proteins (hsps) in their tissues (field studies). Additionally, laboratory studies on hsp synthesis will be performed in vitro on the Botryllus cell line recently developed. In the laboratory studies different stressors and combinations of different stressors will be used such as heat shock, heavy metals, water soluble fractions of oil, sedimentation, detergents, carcinogens, different drugs, aerial exposure, mechanical damages, polychlorinated biphenyls and more.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Goldbrasse ? Biphenyl ? Mainz ? Muschel ? Schadstoffgehalt ? Schwämme ? Meeresverschmutzung vom Lande aus ? Arzneimittel ? Biochemie ? Meeresüberwachung ? Meeresverschmutzung ? Schadstoffwirkung ? Tracer ? Molekularbiologie ? Israel ? Probenaufbereitung ? Marines Ökosystem ? Stress ? Meeresbiologie ? Verfahrenskombination ? Meeresorganismen ? Karzinogen ? Protein ? in vitro ? Schnelltest ? Umweltindikator ? Zellkultur ? Modellierung ? Biotest ? Bioindikator ? Messverfahren ? Monitoring ? Feldstudie ? Organismen ? Population ? Gesundheit ? Schadstoffquelle ? Sedimentation ? Zusammenarbeit ? Probenahme ? Laboruntersuchung ? Umweltschutz ? Verunreinigung ? Mittelmeer ? coordination ? Nachweisbarkeit ?
Region: Rheinland-Pfalz
Bounding boxes: 7.5° .. 7.5° x 49.66667° .. 49.66667°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1994-07-01 - 1997-06-30
Accessed 1 times.