Description: Das Projekt "Erzeugung von Wasserstoff fuer die Hydrierung von Schweroel und Kohle" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Veba Öl AG durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of the overall project were the planning, construction and industrial testing of a commercial-size entrained-flow gasification plant for the generation of hydrogen, which can be operated on solid fuels, e.g. pyrolysis coke and coal just as well as on liquid hydrogenation residues. The objectives of this project were the determination of data enabling an evaluation of the technical feasibility, the possibilities for official approval and the economic viability of the demonstration plant before the final decision on its construction was taken. Parallel to the planning of the demonstration plant, gasification tests were to be made in an existing pilot plant. These tests were in the first place to determine the design data for the demonstration plant as well as to test and to improve the solid feeding-system and the gasification burner. See project LG/20/84/DE. General Information: For the hydrogenation of coal or heavy oil, a major consideration is the economical and environment-friendly utilization of the hydrogenation residues containing heavy metals which become available as unavoidable by products. As against possible combustion, the gasification of the hydrogenation residues provides the advantage that, in addition to environmentally safe disposal of the residues, it is also possible to produce the hydrogen required after the hydrogenation units. For energetic reasons the direct feeding of the hot hydrogenation residues to the gasification seems to be the most appropriate solution. Because of the interconnection of the gasification and the hydrogenation plants is, therefore, largely dependent on the availability of the residue gasification. In order to avoid this it is necessary to provide for the disconnection of the two processes. This disconnection requires the solidification of the liquid residues and the intermediate storage of the solidified residues. Solidification can be effected by pyrolysis of the hydrogenation residues in indirectly heated rotary drums. The coke from the pyrolysis can be used for hydrogen generation. Because of the production of pyrolysis oil, the residue pyrolysis enables an increase of the total oil yield of hydrogenation plants. The dosage of the solid fuels to the pressurized gasification reactor would be carried out with an extruder feeding-system developed on pilot plant scale by VEBA OEL AG and Maschinenfabrik Werner and Pfleiderer. This feeding system consists essentially of a twin-screw extruder. The finely ground fuel and a small portion of a liquid binding-agent are metered pressure-free into the extruder. Hydrocarbons (heavy oils, used oils) as well as water can be used as binding agents. In the extruder, the solid fuel and the binding agent are first mixed, whereupon the mixture is compressed to a pressure above the reactor pressure. The optimum liquid content for the operation of the extruder depends greatly on the type and granulation of the solid fuel. The compacted fuel leaves ...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Pyrolyseöl ? Festbrennstoff ? Flüssigbrennstoff ? Brenngas ? Öl ? Schwermetallgehalt ? Brennstoff ? Reststoffverwertung ? Schadstoffgehalt ? Schwefelwasserstoff ? Altöl ? Anlagengenehmigung ? GuD-Kraftwerk ? Kohlenwasserstoff ? Koks ? Wasserstoff ? Schwermetall ? Bindemittel ? Laubblatt ? Pflanzenverfügbarkeit ? Kohle ? Kohlehydrierung ? Kohlendioxid ? Flüssiger Abfall ? Pyrolyse ? Brunnenbau ? Energieträger ? Verfahrenskombination ? Verfahrensparameter ? Vergasung ? Zwischenlagerung ? Gaskraftwerk ? Genehmigungsbedürftige Anlage ? Hydrierung ? Reaktionsmechanismus ? Reaktor ? Chemisches Verfahren ? Daten ? Technikfolgenabschätzung ? Trennverfahren ? Nebenprodukt ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Wirtschaftlichkeit ? Wasser ? Industrieplanung ? Vergasungsanlage ? Immission ? Anlagenbau ? Investition ? Stofftrennung ? Umweltfreundliche Technologie ? Brenner ? Versuchsanlage ? Gaserzeugung ? Pilotprojekt ? Planung ? Produktdesign ? Wasserstoffherstellung ? Anlagenbemessung ? Genehmigungsvoraussetzung ? Heizöl [schwer] ?
Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1981-01-01 - 1989-11-28
Accessed 1 times.