Description: Das Projekt "Stabilisierung der Population von Elbe-Biber und Fischotter" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Niedersächsisches Umweltministerium durchgeführt. Aim of the project is to stabilize the otter population and to support the beavers attempts to recolonize Lower Saxony, which only started a few years ago. The lack of natural vegetation along the river banks, of copses and of soft- and hardwood floodplain forests in one of the principal factors inhibiting the expansion of the both species. The Elbe floodplains have essentially been converted to monotonous pasture all the way to the waters edge. Therefore, land currently in agriculture use located near the river is to be bought and developed as habitats suitable for the two species. In all, about 80 hectares are to be purchased and either left to natural succession, or planted with trees to kick off the regeneration of floodplain forests, or converted to bare soil near the river to allow colonization by willow thickets. Close collaboration between the conservation authorities, the services responsible for managing rivers and watercourses and the regional forest administration will be required to implement this programme. In terms of content and geographic location, the project supplements the 1995 LIFE project 'Saving alluvial landscapes along the Elbe'. Both projects contribute to the promotion and implementation of a large-scale nature protection park, dubbed 'Elbtalaue', which is being aimed for and which would extend across four Germas Laender. Enter the heroes of countless cartoons and nature films: the dam-building, plump beaver (Castor fiber) who fells trees, dwells in lodges and is a strict vegetarian, and the playful, supple otter (Lutra lutra), and athletic hunter who enjoys his fish snacks and uses his droppings to plant the flag all over his territory. In real life unfortunately, both of them were nearly exterminated in central Europe in the past as a result of persecution and habitat loss. Along the middle Elbe they still hold out, in Lower Saxony for instance: a remnant of 30-50 otters and about 15 beavers. In spite of their very divergent lifestyles, both urgently need the same thing: resting areas, foraging sites and breeding locations undisturbed by humans.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Biber ? Niedersachsen ? Fischotter ? Vegetation ? Lack ? Pflanzensamen ? Elbe ? Habitat ? Tierart ? Wiederansiedlung ? Naturschutzgebiet ? Schutzmaßnahme ? Population ? Castor-fiber ? Elbtalaue ? Lutra-lutra ? Otter ?
Region: Niedersachsen
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1997-01-01 - 1998-12-31
Accessed 1 times.