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Gas-fuelled rapid heating furnace

Description: Das Projekt "Gas-fuelled rapid heating furnace" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gaswärme-Institut e.V. durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate the feasibility of reducing energy consumption in the reheating of forgings and to improve forging quality by the replacement of electric and conventional gas-fired furnaces, by a new gas-fuelled rapid heating furnace incorporating and combining known technical features: these will considerably reduce energy consumption and advance the engineering design of conventional gas-fired reheating furnaces. General Information: Rapid heating furnaces are often installed in forging shops to treat small forgings. It is important to heat the forging rapidly and evenly and to minimize scale formation. The object of this research is to produce a micro-structure to eliminate the need for further heat treatment. The advantage of an inductive, over a conventional gas-fuelled furnace is the low level of scale formation due to the brief furnace dwell time. On the other hand, inductive furnaces are operated by a secondary source of energy (electricity) and are therefore expensive to operate. In addition, temperature distribution in a charge heated by a conventional furnace is unsatisfactory. The furnace to be designed, installed and operated for the project is a gas fuelled rapid heating installation using natural gas as the primary energy source. Charge heating will be in 3 zones (soaking, heating-up and preheating) to reheat the charge. As in the case of pusher type furnaces, charge and atmosphere movement will be counter current. In order to minimize scale formation, the soaking zone will be fired in the fuel-rich mode, while the heating-up zone will be fuelled by a fuel-lean gas and air mixture, burning uncombusted gases from the soaking zone. Staged combustion minimizes NO output and environmental impact. Fuel-rich soaking zone operation necessitates tests to establish combustion air preheat temperature, the acceptability of the fuel/air system with respect to sooting and safety aspects associated with CO formation. Forgings will be charged in transverse mode and a recuperator incorporated in the furnace for combustion air preheating: the furnace control system will feature high precision fuel/air ration controllers for heating-up and soaking zones. Each controller is capable of maintaining an air factor of between 0.5 and 1.5 to allow exact adjustment of the fuel/air ratio and to minimize scaling. An optical control system monitors the temperature of the charge leaving the furnace. Fuel gas flow is adjusted by temperature controller as a function of the difference between temperature as measured by the optical system and set point temperature. When fuel gas flow is adjusted, combustion air flow will also be adjusted by the fuel/air ratio control system. A shop function is also incorporated in the furnace control system: this is capable of lowering gas flow to between to 10-30 per cent of rated flow. For this purpose the control system will immediately reduce gas flow if furnace operation is switched to idle mode. Simultaneously...


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Hirsch ? Brenngas ? Brennstoff ? Erdgas ? Abwärmenutzung ? Elektrizität ? Temperaturverteilung ? Umweltauswirkung ? Gebühr ? Brand ? Brennstoffkreislauf ? Elektrizitätsverbrauch ? Elektrotechnik ? Energieträger ? Verbrennungstechnik ? Kohlenmonoxid ? Primärenergie ? Sekundärenergie ? Stickoxide ? Verbrennung ? Verbrennungstemperatur ? Verfahrensparameter ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Energieverbrauch ? Betriebskosten ? Heiztechnik ? Brennofen ? Innovation ? Kontrollsystem ? Reaktionstemperatur ? Sicherheitstechnik ? Emissionsminderung ? Energieeinsparung ? Energiequelle ? Thermisches Verfahren ? Anlagenüberwachung ? Atmosphäre ? Heizung ? Metallverarbeitung ? Ofen ? Schadstoffbildung ? Umweltfreundliche Technologie ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Brennraum ? Schmiede ? Substitutionseffekt ? Verweilzeit ? Vorverfahren ? Vorwärmung ? renewable sources of energy ? Brennstoffeinsparung ? Brennprozess ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1985-01-01 - 1988-12-31



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Accessed 1 times.