Description: Das Projekt "Wirkungsuebertragung in einem anaeroben Biofilm-Fluessig-Bett fuer Abluftkondensat-Behandlung beim Sulfit-Cellulose-Prozess" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Laboratorium für Technische Chemie durchgeführt. The continous anaerobic degradation of waste water from a cellulose process was investigated in seven fluidized bed reactors. The materials limestone, porous glass, quarz sand, activated carbon and treated coal were used as support particles. The reactors were operated for several months with vapor condensate from a sulfite cellulose process as feed. The performance and stability of the degradation rate were tested for a range of loading conditions. Unbuffered, buffered and pH controlled conditions were compared. The results showed that the high-density, small-sized, carriers were the best. The highest rates were obtained by the sand system, 20 kg COD/m3 d (unbuffered), 25 kg COD/m3 d (buffered) and 25 kg COD/m3 d (pH controlled) systems. The sand system was relatively stable with respect to pH changes.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Tierhaltungsanlage ? Zürich ? Biologische Abwasserreinigung ? Aktivkohle ? Sulfit ? Altsand ? Anaerobe Bedingungen ? Brüden ? Zellulose ? Sandfilter ? Mikrobiologie ? Anaerober Abbau ? Biofilm ? Bioreaktor ? Bodendegradation ? Filter ? Futtermittel ? Industrieabwasser ? Kohle ? Papierherstellung ? Sulfitverfahren ? Wirbelschicht ? Sand ? Kalkstein ? Filtration ? Quarz ? Reaktor ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Wirkungsgrad ? Biologischer Abbau ? Abwasser ? Bleichen ? Reinigungsverfahren ? Partikel ? Eaux usees industrielles ? Filtermaterial ? Procedes de purification ? Epuration biologique des eaux ? Degradation biologique ? Film ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1988-10-01 - 1991-10-01
Accessed 1 times.