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Semiaktive passive Steuerung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Bauwerken, die Erdbeben, Wind und Schwingungen ausgesetzt sind

Description: Das Projekt "Semiaktive passive Steuerung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Bauwerken, die Erdbeben, Wind und Schwingungen ausgesetzt sind" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Maurer und Söhne durchgeführt. Objective/Problems to be solved: The proper functioning of industrial equipment and provision of safe working environment require techniques to reduce the effects of earthquakes, wind and traffic-induced vibrations on structures. Present technologies applied - isolation and passive energy dissipation - have limitations. The aim of this project is the development of innovative systems for reducing the effects of seismic induced vibrations. Based on the performance needs of various types of structures and industrial plants, selected in the project, such innovative devices will be designed, manufactured and tested. Scientific objectives and approach: The objectives of the project are to develop: 1)semi-active vibration control system using hydraulic dampers based on magneto-rheological smart fluid; 2) floor isolation system operating in 3 directions; 3) 3D floor isolation system incorporating the semi-active dampers developed. Prototype devices will be developed, manufactured and widely tested also incorporated in mock-up structures. The project will consist in the following phases: - Definition of structures for the application of semi-active and passive devices, - Development of semi-active control system, - Numerical models of the devices, of the structures and mock-ups and dynamic analyses, - Characterisation tests of devices, structures and mock-ups, - Evaluation of technical and economical benefits, - User Manual (design procedures for the implementation of the semi-active control and for passive technologies). Expected impacts: The protection of transport infrastructure, industrial plants and strategic buildings from earthquake damage is of paramount importance, particularly to Southern areas of the European Union. Countries situated in earthquake-prone areas, for instance California (USA), Japan and New Zealand are actively engaged in the development of novel techniques and devices for the earthquake protection of structures. As a result of this project, the development of seismic devices will open the possibility of increased exports for manufacturers of both the devices and that of seismically protected sensitive equipment, while the structures provided with the innovative devices will suffer no significant earthquake damage. This possibility will result in: a) much greater safety in the event of an earthquake, b) less damage to the historical environment, c) avoidance of demolition and reconstruction after an earthquake, d) improved possibility of siting industrial work places close to housing.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Gebäudeschaden ? Landesentwicklung ? Kalifornien ? Wind ? Japan ? USA ? Energieverschwendung ? Hydraulik ? Seismik ? Erschütterung ? Europäische Union ? Neuseeland ? Erdbebensicherheit ? Arbeitsplatz ? Baugebiet ? Gefahrenabwehr ? Immission ? Innovation ? Kontrollsystem ? Politik ? Schutzmaßnahme ? Standortwahl ? Technische Infrastruktur ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Industrieanlage ? Erdbeben ? Bauliche Anlage ? Rückbau ? Umweltschutz ? Wohnen ? Soziale Aspekte ? Verkehrsinfrastruktur ? Verkehr ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? other energy topics ? renewable sources of energy ? scientific research ? legislation, regulations ?

Region: Bayern

Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2000-03-08 - 2003-03-07



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Accessed 1 times.