Description: Das Projekt "Chromrecycling durch Verwendung von Membranelektrolyse" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wieland-Werke AG Metallwerke durchgeführt. Objective: Reduction of chemicals used by more than 50 per cent. Reduction of the resulting waste matter by more than 60 per cent. To reclaim 50 per cent of metals used (chrome copper). General information: Wieland Werke AG proposes to carry out a large scale demonstration project at its factory in Ulm, of a specific membrane electrolysis process. This innovative process enables the continous regeneration of chrome (III) into chrome (IV) from the bichromium - Na2Cr2O7 - pickling solution that is necessary in the plating of copper. At the same time it will be possible to recover metallic copper continuously for the first time. Laboratory trials have demonstrated that the process will work. It has not been possible so far to carry out large scale tests on solution tanks. Chemicals (sodium hydrogen sulfite NaHSO3, chromic acid) can be saved and the resulting waste sludge can be significantly reduced by introducing an enclosed material cycle within the bichromium Na2Cr2O7 - pickling solution. In addition to this the simultaneous reclaiming of copper enables raw materials to be saved as well as energy during the claiming of copper. As the process can be introduced into existing plants the project can contribute towards implementation of required standards and directives of the European Union. Furthermore this process will allow a review of the current standards and directives of the EU and the setting up of enclosed material cycles.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Ulm ? Natriumsulfit ? Recycling ? Chrom ? Sulfit ? Kupfer ? Werkstoff ? Chromsäure ? Metallindustrie ? Pflanzensamen ? Wasserstoff ? Abfallreduzierung ? Altanlage ? Elektrolyse ? Membranverfahren ? Metall ? Europäische Union ? Tankbehälter ? Abfall ? Rohstoff ? Energieeinsparung ? Literaturauswertung ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Chemisches Verfahren ? EU-Richtlinie ? Chemikalien ? Großprojekt ? Produktionstechnik ? Energie ? Stoffkreislauf ? Versuchsanlage ? Membran ? Pilotprojekt ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1994-11-01 - 1996-12-31
Accessed 1 times.