Description: Das Projekt "Characterisation of nuclear waste forms, 1992-1994" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC). Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) durchgeführt. Objective: To characterize vitrified high-level waste forms and unprocessed spent fuel with respect to properties relevant to their behaviour under conditions of long-term storage, i.e. radioactive nuclide inventory, thermal conductivity, thermal and mechanical stability, redistribution of actinides and fission products within waste materials, radiation damage, resistance to corrosive agents, and to investigate leaching of waste forms with various leachant compositions. General Information: Progress to end 1991. A major effort was made to extend studies on the characterisation of nuclear waste to unprocessed nuclear fuel in view of its behaviour under temporary and final storage conditions. These investigations comprised the interaction of irradiated UO2 with water and the development and testing of equipment for the non- destructive analysis of irradiated fuel rods by passive neutron interrogation. The development of a code (COCAINE) to model the consequences of ground water intrusion in a spent fuel storage facility got under way. Leach tests were carried out with active waste glass samples (type R7T7), and the same material was subject to micro structural analysis. Instruments to measure the mechanical properties of waste glasses were tested with inactive glasses. The results of this work were described in 4 publications. Detailed description of work foreseen in 1992 (expected results). Leaching experiments with UO2 and MOX fuels will be performed in order to study the effect on the leach rate of oxidising agents in a liquid and/or gaseous environment. The oxidation of UO2 fuel in air/water, N2/water and in air at temperatures deeper than 500 degrees celsius will be studied by thermogravimetry. The newly developed neutron interrogation equipment will be applied in order to determine actinide concentrations in various types of fuel rods. Equipment for the speciation of leachats will be developed and tested. The COCAIN code which models the consequences of ground water intrusion in a spent fuel storage facility will be further developed. Short description of evolution of work in 1993. Future studies on waste characterisation will concentrate more or lesson spent fuel behaviour under temporary and final storage conditions. They will be pursued in an interplay between experiments and modelling activities. Achievements: A major effort was made to extend studies on the characterization of nuclear waste to unprocessed nuclear fuel in view of its behaviour under temporary and final storage conditions. These investigations comprised the interaction of irradiated uranium oxide with water and the development and testing of equipment for the non-destructive analysis of irradiated fuel rods by passive neutron interrogation. The development of a code (COCAINE) to model the consequences of ground water intrusion in a spent fuel storage facility got under way. Leach tests were carried out with active waste glass samples (type R7T7), and the same ...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Keramik ? Schwermetallgehalt ? Sinterung ? Messgerät ? Neutronenstrahlung ? Schadstoffgehalt ? Uranoxid ? Brennelement ? Grundwassergefährdung ? Kombinationswirkung ? Langzeitwirkung ? Oxid ? Plutonium ? Radioaktiver Abfall ? Pflanzensamen ? Stickstoff ? Uran ? Actinoide ? Chemische Zusammensetzung ? Endlagerung ? Kernbrennstoff ? Messprogramm ? Messtechnik ? Radionuklid ? Tieflagerung ? Zwischenlagerung ? Korrosion ? Strahlenrisiko ? Evolution ? Schadstoffausbreitung ? Fallstudie ? Auslaugung ? Informationsvermittlung ? Oxidation ? Abfallzusammensetzung ? Prüfverfahren ? Abfallanalyse ? Analyseverfahren ? Thermisches Verfahren ? Kenngröße ? Radioaktivität ? Spaltprodukt ? Lagerungsbedingung ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1992-01-01 - 1994-12-31
Accessed 1 times.