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Sind deutsche 'best practice' Beispiele für nachhaltigen Tourismus auf den internationalen Markt und andere Länder übertragbar?

Description: Das Projekt "Sind deutsche 'best practice' Beispiele für nachhaltigen Tourismus auf den internationalen Markt und andere Länder übertragbar?" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Weltorganisation für Tourismus (UNWTO) durchgeführt. By 2030, UNWTO forecasts international tourist arrivals to reach 1.8 billion. Like few other sectors, tourism has experienced continued expansion and diversification over the past six decades, turning into one of the largest, fastest growing economic sectors in the world. It contributes 10% of global GDP accounts, for one in each 11 jobs worldwide and for 6% of global exports. With many opportunities deriving from tourisms exponential growth, decoupling environmental degradation from economic growth by placing a strong focus on the sustainable use of resources is as important as never before. Efforts at the international level to accelerate the shift towards more sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns are reflected by the definition of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the creation of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on SCP patterns, including the 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme (STP). However, it is usually difficult for tourism suppliers and decision-makers to drive the change in developing more SCP patterns in tourism, given the limited evidence available at the destination level and the fact that sustainability in the tourism sector is highly context sensitive. With the aim to support tourism suppliers in their challenge to mainstream sustainable tourism practices, the project Innovative catalysts boosting sustainability in the tourism sector based on examples from Germany was implemented between August 2015 and April 2016. The project focused on identifying and analysing distinct enabling elements (referred to as catalysts ) of sustainable tourism initiatives in Germany that have visibly accelerated the shift towards more SCP patterns. Intensive literature review and desk research were combined with multiple rounds of participatory in-depth interviews via phone and in the field with key stakeholders such as accommodation services, attractions, products, tourism organizations and destinations, among others. The project report of this initiative illustrates the large scope of innovative activities aimed at accelerating the shift towards more SCP patterns in tourism in Germany and seeks to emphasize the diverse efforts made by all types of stakeholders along the tourism supply chain in mainstreaming sustainable tourism development. It provides an overview of catalytic elements that have successfully supported the shift towards SCP with a view to facilitating their replication and integration into current and future initiatives within the framework of the 10YFP STP and beyond.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Globale Nachhaltigkeitsziele ? Umweltzerstörung ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Diversifikation ? Interview ? Wirtschaftswachstum ? Nachhaltiger Konsum ? Interessenvertreter ? Internationaler Vergleich ? Literaturauswertung ? Weltmarkt ? Natürliche Ressourcen ? Nachhaltige Entwicklung ? Nachhaltigkeitsindikator ? Nachhaltiger Tourismus ? Messung ? REACH ? Nachhaltige Produktion ? Nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung ? Umweltentlastung ? Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung ? Globale Lieferkette ? Beteiligung ? Wirtschaftszweig ? Globale Aspekte ? Dienstleistung ? Tourismus ? Ressourcenschutz ? Umweltverträglichkeit ? Indikator ? Nachhaltigkeitsprinzip ? Handlungsbeteiligter ? catalytic ? decoupling ? multiple stakeholders ? participatory ? sustainable tourism development ? Handlungsorientierung ? Nachhaltige Freizeit- und Erholungsnutzung ? SCP ? Umweltbelastung durch Freizeitgestaltung ? acceleration ? Fallbeispiel ? agent of change ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2015-08-01 - 2016-01-31



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