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WP 5: Environmental Aspects of SOFC Operation

Description: Das Projekt "WP 5: Environmental Aspects of SOFC Operation" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, Abteilung Systemanalyse und Technikbewertung durchgeführt. Project objectives: The aim of the Integrated Project is to solve the persisting generic problems of ageing with planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) in a concerted action of the European fuel cell industry and research institutions. This includes gaining full understanding of degradation processes, finding solutions to reduce ageing and producing improved materials that will then be tested in stacks. In this process further consideration will be given to the design of cost effective materials, low cost components and optimised manufacturing processes. WP 5: Environmental Aspects of SOFC Operation Fuel cells have an important role to play to reduce emissions and improve energy conversion efficiencies. For this reason, it is important to be able to quantify the potential impact SOFCs can have relative to present conventional technologies. The LCA of the SOFC technologies developed by the partners in the project will be important to make sure avenues which have no future in terms of environmental impact arte not pursued further. Materials which cannot be recycled, which cannot be disposed of or which will be banned in future must be avoided. Manufacturing processes which are too energy consuming or which have a negative environmental impact must be avoided. The LCA analyses carried out will be a safeguard to prevent using project resources to develop what could be an interesting product from a technological point of view, but which could never be commercialised because of the environmental impact of the total emissions, and waste produced during its manufacture, use and disposal. (Project Co-ordinator: Electricité de France (EDF).


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Festoxid-Brennstoffzelle ? Recycling ? Werkstoff ? Abfallverwertung ? Brennstoffzelle ? Thermodynamik ? Umweltauswirkung ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Frankreich ? Ökobilanz ? Reststoff ? Abfallentsorgung ? Umweltbelastung ? Verfahrensoptimierung ? Schädliche Umwelteinwirkung ? Energieumwandlung ? Kostenanalyse ? Quantitative Analyse ? Abfall ? Systemanalyse ? Technikfolgenabschätzung ? Abfallanalyse ? Vergleichsanalyse ? Abbaubarkeit ? Emissionsminderung ? Energieeffizienz ? Ressourcenverschwendung ? Energie ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Raumfahrt ? Umweltfreundliche Technologie ? Umweltverträglichkeit ? Abbau ? Neuartige Materialien ? Effizienzsteigerung ? Produkt-UVP ? Alterung ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2004-01-01 - 2007-12-31



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Accessed 1 times.