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Energy-saving production of molassed durable beet pulp

Description: Das Projekt "Energy-saving production of molassed durable beet pulp" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Südzucker AG durchgeführt. Objective: Energy savings by the production of durable molassed beet pulp by means of a second mechanical draining, utilizing the diffusion effect of the factory-owned molasses. The process makes use of draining effect of diffusion with highly concentrated factory owned molasses and then again pressed in a specifically designed conical press. The results are molassed beet pulp with sucrose content. The press drain is recirculated, inspissated in several stages. In contrast to wet pulp, the process is less expensive and the final product is durable without further treatment and reduce the nutrient losses during the ensilaging. General Information: Pressed pulp and molasses (92 per cent TS, 95 C) are doughed in at a 1:1 ratio. The mixed product has to be homogeneous. The required reaction time period for the complete utilization of the pulp's ability to absorb molasses is realised in a conditioning container. The temperature of the molasses strongly influences the pressed pulp's ability for absorption. The conical press works continually. Pressure-regulated, hydraulically moved stoppers fill the conical press and provide for an optimal filling of the conical press. Squeezing pressure and squeezing time have a positive effect on the quantity of the final dry matter in the molassed beet pulp. The resulting final product shows a dry matter content of approximately 70 per cent TS and approximately 30 per cent polarizable sugar, dependent on the sugar content of the factory-owned molasses. The quantity of the attainable dry matter depends on the squeezing performance of the press, as well as on the quantity of the dry matter added by the molasses. The obtained product may be marketed directly or dried conventionally. Economically, the most favourable inspissation of the press drain to approximately 80 per cent TS is effected in a multiple-phase evaporating station. The factory-owned molasses, a by-product of the sugar production, are added to the previously concentrated molasses. In order to obtain the highest possible solid matter in the pressed pulp, the solid matter content of the molasses has to be adjusted to the highest level. Under practical conditions, this requirement for molasses is technically and economically attainable only with great difficulties and has therefore never been practised.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Recycling ? Zuckerrübe ? Zuckerindustrie ? Abfallbehandlung ? Kohlenhydrat ? Temperaturabhängigkeit ? Absorption ? Feststoff ? Industrieabfall ? Melasse ? Transportbehälter ? Mechanisches Verfahren ? Trockensubstanzgehalt ? Dränung ? Energieeinsparung ? Energiespeicher ? Nebenprodukt ? Stoffgemisch ? Verdichtung ? Energietransport ? Diffusion ? Entwässerung ? Haltbarkeit ? Pulpe ? Saccharose ? conical-press ? polarizable-sugar ? renewable sources of energy ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1987-11-01 - 1989-06-30



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