Description: Das Projekt "Naechtliche Isolierung von Fenstern in Buero- und Industriegebaeuden" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von INTERATOM durchgeführt. Objective: The design construction of prototypes and evaluation for possible mass production of a night insulation system for windows of buildings using movable external strips (' lamella'). General Information: The night insulation system 'NIS' consists of thermally insulated structures hermetically fixed to the window frames incorporating lamella which can be rotated on their own axis and closed almost hermetically. The lamella are 3 cm thick constructed in polystyrene foam with plastic or anodized aluminium surfaces. The NIS's principle functions are: - to reduce night heat loss caused by transfer radiation and draughts - to give shade from the sun's rays in summer - to optimize the amount of light entering the building. In addition to the design construction and installation of prototypes numerous measurements are required to evaluate the energy pattern of two identical rooms, one provided with the NIS. Achievements: After initial design work and construction of a prototype, numerous modifications were needed. Laboratory tests of new prototypes revealed that actual performance, even with the best improved prototypes, was far from expected one: (1.- to 4. - W/m2 K. instead of target value of 0.7 W/m2 K). As a result of increased production costs after modifications (490 DM/m2 instead of estimated 200 DM/m2) and proved low insulation efficiency (a saving of 200 MWh/a instead of 473 MWh/a for the monitored building). INTERATOM decided to interrupt the project in December 1983.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Dämmstoff ? Schaumstoff ? Rochen ? Öffentliches Gebäude ? Aluminium ? Polystyrol ? Metallindustrie ? Solarstrahlung ? Wärmedämmung ? Wärmestrahlung ? Kostenrechnung ? Gebäude ? Licht ? Luftbewegung ? Sommer ? Eloxieren ? Wärmeschutzfenster ? Energiekosten ? Hochbau ? Jahreszeit ? Produktionskosten ? Betriebskosten ? Schutzmaßnahme ? Energie ? Wirkungsgrad ? Industrieanlage ? Laborversuch ? Energiebilanz ? Energieeinsparung ? Saumschlag ? Gebäudefenster ? Produktdesign ? Zielwert ? Prototyp ? Isolierung ? Wärmeverlust ? Tageszeitabhängigkeit ? Wärmeausbreitung ?
Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1982-06-01 - 1983-12-31
Accessed 1 times.