Description: Das Projekt "Toolbox for mobility consulting" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungsgesellschaft Mobilität - Austrian Mobility Research, FGM-AMOR, Gemeinnützige GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: Starting point: In the three involved countries of the EC mobility consultants have been trained. In Wuppertal, Germany mobility consultants advice people in their household. In Austria they advice in companies and schools and at public events as they also do in Belgium. Up to now they Target: Help the mobility consultants to improve their efficiency by allowing them to present the re-quested information and services to customers outside of the consulting-office. This will al-low them to actively get in contact with clients instead of passively waiting in the office for them. The mobility consultant can inform people immediately at any place they work. General Information: Design and Implementation of a tool box, which will allow mobility consultants to advise people in the field of energy efficient mobility. This will be a portable information unit with the software in the field of energy efficient mobility, a connection to a mobility information server and presentation material. Expected results: After using mobility advisory service people know more about energy efficient mobility and alternatives to private motorised transport; therefore they will choose more often energy efficient transportation modes. This will lead to a reduction of car driven kilometres of about 4 million per year compared to the situation without toolbox.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Wuppertal ? Kfz-Verkehr ? Blei ? Belgien ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Österreich ? Motorisierter Individualverkehr ? Konsumverhalten ? Software ? Straßenverkehr ? Umweltberatung ? Verbraucherinformation ? Modal Split ? Arbeitsplatz ? Informationssystem ? Informationsvermittlung ? Kommunikation ? Personenverkehr ? Schule ? Verkehrsvermeidung ? Minderungspotenzial ? Öffentlichkeitsinformation ? Privathaushalt ? Produktdesign ? Verkehrsteilnehmer ? Verkehr ? Räumliche Mobilität ? Effizienzsteigerung ? Mobilitätsforschung ? Firmenberatung ? tool-box ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1997-12-01 - 1999-06-30
Accessed 1 times.