Description: Das Projekt "Haltbarkeit von Holz" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Department für Biologie, Zentrum Holzwirtschaft, Ordinariat für Holzbiologie und Institut für Holzbiologie und Holzschutz der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft durchgeführt. Given that wood is a renewable raw material with low energy demand, and having regard to the economic importance of wood durability to the wood industry and the stronger ecological safety requirements of society, the main objective of this COST Action is to improve and consequently to increase the use of European wood by means of safer protection methods for enhancing its durability. This objective is of an interdisciplinary nature and comprises various fields of specific research work, covering natural durability and degradation mechanisms, application of chemicals including modification of wood to improve its durability, and the effect of treatment with respect to efficacy as well as undesirable side-effects including any such on health, safety, and environment. General Information/Current status: The Management Committee is chaired by Mr. Hubert Willeitner (D) with Mr. Marc Stevens (B) as Vice-Chair. The Action has three Working Groups; each of which contains a number of topical networks: WG 1: Optimising Natural Protection Mechanisms. Chaired by Professor Th. Nilsson from the University of Uppsala (S) and directed towards the basic understanding of wood degradation in order to develop new ways of retarding it. Networks: (A) - COST Euro index (The index is to be an indicator of the potential activity of wood fungi depending on the local microclimate) - Improvement of microbial resistance of painted wood - Copper-tolerant micro-organisms - Decay of wood in soil contact. WG 2: Improvement of Chemicals and Substrate Modification: Chaired by Dr. D. J. Dickinson, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London (UK), studies the improvement of existing products and technologies, as well as the development of new methodologies, in order to obtain higher durability. Networks: (B) - Wood modification and metal carboxylates - Resins and water repellents - Creosote: losses to soil and performance - European field trials - Borates. WG 3: Environmental Impact: Chaired by Mr. G. Ozanne, Centre Technique du Bois et de l'Ameublement, Paris (F), studies all aspects of effects on health, safety, and environment, including the efficacy of the treatment. It also handles methods of enabling recycling or safe disposal, including soil decontamination, of treated wood and treatment chemicals. Networks: (C) - Remediation - Disposal - Health - Fate-air-workplace - Impact - LCA - Connection with EU regulation. The Action actively promotes Short-Term Scientific Missions. So far 22 missions have been completed.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Holzschutzmittel ? Repellent ? London ? Main ? Recycling ? Borat ? Substrat ? Hamburg ? Paris ? Holz ? Konservierung ? Pilzbefall ? Holzschutz ? Holzindustrie ? Management ? Mikroorganismen ? Pilz ? Gesundheitsvorsorge ?
Region: Hamburg
Bounding boxes: 9.99302° .. 9.99302° x 53.55073° .. 53.55073°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1994-02-02 - 1998-09-01
Accessed 1 times.