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Holzplantagen in Paraguay: Vergleichende Bewertung der Einflussfaktoren und weiteren Beitrag zur Einkommensgenerierung

Description: Das Projekt "Holzplantagen in Paraguay: Vergleichende Bewertung der Einflussfaktoren und weiteren Beitrag zur Einkommensgenerierung" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Fachrichtung Forstwissenschaften, Institut für Internationale Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Professur für Tropische und Internationale Forstwirtschaft durchgeführt. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES General: The research aims o identify and provide a better understanding of the socioeconomic factors (internal & external) influencing timber plantation establishment and development in Eastern Paraguay and the further contribution to income generation. It will analyze some of the forces driving plantation establishment and their impacts since the establishment of the Forest Law in 1972. Specific objectives: 1. To document and analyze the changes and general development of timber plantation establishment in Eastern Paraguay. 2. To apply a holistic framework on timber plantation development over an almost forty year period (1973 - 2012) and analyze its potential future development. 3. To study and analyze the socioeconomic factors influencing timber plantations establishment and determine how these factors interact among them. 4. To analyze the profit-making potential of timber plantations considering different landholdings sizes: large, medium and small scales. 5. To develop top guidelines to enhance timber plantation development in the country. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. What are the main socioeconomic factors that influence timber plantation establishment in Eastern Paraguay? - To what extent these socioeconomic factors interrelate each other to push timber plantation development? - What are the factors that influence directly in farmers decision making toward tree planting investment? - Will the reforested areas be maintained in the long term? - What enabling factors are required to sustain the efforts? 2. What is the potential contribution of timber plantations to farmers income generation? - Can timber plantations be considered as potential contributor to household income? 3. Among selected cases - What were the most promising approaches? - Which elements of these projects can be replicated (at low cost by local institutions and actors)? - Which ones are self-sustaining at the local level? PRELIMINARY RESULTS Forest resources are essential for Paraguayan rural economy for subsistence and household income. Nevertheless, their contribution is generally underestimated. Countrys high deforestation rates and insufficient efforts to promote sustainable forest management affected the supply of wood for small scale farms. The research examines socioeconomic factors linked to tree planting efforts by small holders in Eastern Paraguay, their contribution to household income and the role they play in reducing the pressure on natural forest. Different tree planting schemes were approached as case studies and participatory tools and semistructured interviews were applied. Results show that influential determinants for tree planting are involvement in social organizations and long term technical and managerial support. Managing planted trees at small scale farms requires little financial support and low labor than traditional farm cash crops and have remarkable potential to support income generation. usw.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Entwaldung ? Dresden ? Schlichtemittel ? Landesentwicklung ? Baum ? Paraguay ? Waldressourcen ? Forstrecht ? Interview ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Nutzpflanze ? Agrarholz ? Einkommen ? Aufforstung ? Bewertung ? Fallstudie ? Finanzierungshilfe ? Gesetz ? Holzindustrie ? Management ? Naturwald ? Studie ? Versorgung ? Ökonomischer Gewinn ? Wirkung ? Plantage ? Nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft ? Subsistenzwirtschaft ? Kurzumtrieb ? Plantagenwald ? Vergleichende Bewertung ? Körperschaft ? Arbeit ? Forschung ? Forstwirtschaft ? Investition ? Landwirtschaft ? Beteiligung ? Richtlinie ? Sozioökonomische Merkmale ? Wirtschaft ? Wald ? Gebiet ? Kommunalebene ? Kosten ? GANZHEITLICH ? DAUER ? FOERDERN ? EIN ? ENTSCHEIDUNGSFINDUNG ? FRAGE ? ENTWICKLUNG ? AUSGEWAEHLT ? HAUSHALT ? DRUCK ? ANGEWANDT ? DOKUMENT ? ERGEBNIS ? EXTERN ? INITIATIVE ? Kapitalanlage ? Mittel ? NACHHALTIG ? POTENZIAL ? PROJEKT ? SONSTIG ? SPEZIFISCH ? Werkzeug ? ZEITRAEUME ? Eigentümer ? Antragsrecht ? BAEUME ? BEITRAG ? Bemessung ?

Region: Sachsen

Bounding boxes: 10.40664° .. 10.40664° x 49.29433° .. 49.29433°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2010-10-18 - 2014-07-30



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