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Direkteinspritzender Ottomotor

Description: Das Projekt "Direkteinspritzender Ottomotor" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Hochschule Aachen, Institut für Thermodynamik, Lehrstuhl für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen durchgeführt. According to the trend of vehicle population in Europe, DI (Direct Injection) gasoline engines for passenger cars show a significant market penetration (25 per cent) by 2010, but with some volumes starting from 2002/2005. The reason for the diffusion of such an engine type is its foreseen ability to meet very severe carbon dioxide (i.e. fuel consumption) limits that will be enforced after the 2000, as proposed by the European Parliament. Till now the various approaches to the DI gasoline engine have shown the typical aspects of basic research dealing with particular and limited topics that will give solutions not able to be transferred into production concepts; a long time is requested to really impact on the production because the basic research output has to be reviewed from an industrial point of view. The market expectations of 2002/2005 are not consistent with such a long-term research: the present approach has to be modified by orienting the single research topics to the application and, above all, by structuring the single problems and their possible solutions in a general programme. - The main aobjective of the project is the realization of research prototype demonstrators of the DI gasoline engine which, tested at vehicle level on the European ECE+EUDC driving cycle, will be able to show: - more than 15 per cent lower than the CO2 proposed European Parliament limits; - pollutant reduction down to 1.5/0.2 g/km of CO/HC+NOx.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Aachen ? Main ? Alicyclischer Kohlenwasserstoff ? Europäisches Parlament ? Kraftstoffverbrauch ? Ottomotor ? Personenkraftwagen ? Thermodynamik ? Demografischer Wandel ? Fahrzyklus ? Kohlendioxid ? Luftreinhaltung ? Verbrennungsmotor ? Abgasemission ? Antriebstechnik ? Binnenmarkt ? Emissionsminderung ? Innovation ? Fahrzeugtechnik ? Marktentwicklung ? Marktforschung ? Europa ? Schadstoffminderung ? Verkehrsemission ? Grenzwerteinhaltung ? Direkteinspritzung ? Prototyp ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1996-01-01 - 1999-12-31



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Accessed 1 times.