Description: Das Projekt "18 Reihenhaeuser 'Am Lindenwaelde' in Freiburg" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Siedlungsgesellschaft Freiburg durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate that the energy consumption of a single family house can be reduced by 40 per cent in comparison to conventional built terrace houses without increasing the building cost. General Information: The 18 houses are constructed in three fan shaped terraces, designed so that the south facade is wider than the north facade. There are unheated buffer sheds to the north side to reduce heat losses and provide shelter. A double glaced sunspace is attached to the south elevation. The living rooms are orientated to the south with large windows. The passive solar features are increased solar penetration into the interior by split floor levels and an open staircase to allow the warm air to rise into the building and the cooler air into the sunspace. To make the passive solar system function, the doors to the sunspace and to the stair case have to be opened. The houses have 200 mm thick fairfaced on-site casted concrete party walls which are unplastered but painted. The rest of the house is of lightweight construction. The wooden floor joist, which are of untreated timber, are supported on wall plates fixed to the party walls. The external walls are clad with timber and insulated with100 mm rockwool between batterns to give an average U-value of 0.38 W/m2k. The global calculated heat loss coefficient is 347 W/k for a middle house and 406 W/k for a corner house. The concrete pary walls and the stone floor in the living area serve as a heat buffer. The gas boiler for the conventional heating system is installed in the gable to avoid a chimney and to facilitate the later installation of a solar domestic hot water system. The heating system includes a storage tank of 300 l to avoid frequent switching of the gas boiler. The costs of the houses are 30 per cent less than those for a conventionally designed and built terrace house. Achievements: Monitoring was from July 1985 to June 1987 with two of the houses being extensively monitored. The individual total energy demand varied in 17 of the 18 houses from 13,000 kWh/yr to 22,000 kWh. The remaining house had an extremely high consumption of 41,000 kWh/yr, as the inhabitants like room temperatures above 23 C. The averages of the 17 normal houses was approximately: total :15,000 kWh/yr; electricity: 4 4,000 KWh/yr; domestic hot water: 3,000 to 4,000 kWh/yr; space heating: 8,000 to 9,000 kWh/yr. The specific values are: 50 to 60 kWh/m2 heated floor area or 15 to 16 kWh/m3 heated volume. The solar contribution to space heating was approximately 15 per cent. The savings due to improved design and insulation is estimated to be 45 per cent in comparison with a conventional built terrace house. In 1986 the bill for electricity was higher than for gas. Further energy savings would be only possible with forced ventilation systems combined with heat recovery from the exhaust air. The users respond was mixed. All the owners enjoy the lightness and warmth of the houses and the sunspace which is used ...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Dämmstoff ? Freiburg ? Brenngas ? Baustoff ? Einfamilienhaus ? Wohnung ? Wärmeschutzverglasung ? Abwärmenutzung ? Luftmassenaustausch ? Solarenergie ? Solarstrahlung ? Wärmedämmung ? Wohnqualität ? Wohngebäude ? Niedrigenergiehaus ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Alternative Energie ? Architektur ? Elektrizitätsverbrauch ? Solartechnik ? Ökologisches Bauen ? Warmwasserbereitung ? Wohngebiet ? Kostensenkung ? Energieverbrauch ? Lüftung ? Anlagenüberwachung ? Bautechnik ? Energieeinsparung ? Energiekosten ? Energienutzung ? Vergleichsanalyse ? Versuchsanlage ? Heizung ? Produktdesign ? Physikalische Größe ? Wärmeverlust ? Wiederfindungsrate ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1983-08-16 - 1987-06-30
Accessed 1 times.