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Methods and Tools for Integrated Sustainability Assessment (MATISSE)

Description: Das Projekt "Methods and Tools for Integrated Sustainability Assessment (MATISSE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. The objective of MATISSE is to achieve a step-wise advance in the science and application of Integrated Sustainability Assessment (ISA) of EU policies. In order to reach this objective the core activity of the MATISSE project is to improve the tool kit available for conducting Integrated Sustainability Assessments, resulting in four main project activities: 1. A common conceptual framework for ISA development, implementation and evaluation will be developed. This will be related to the assessment of the current status of ISA and its pattern of use in relation to different domains and contexts. 2. MATISSE will deliver a future tool portfolio for ISA. It will improve and interlink existing tools and methods for ISA with the focus on quantitative tools. In addition, new methods and tools will be developed that capture the multi-domain, multi-level and multi-actor complexity of ISA. 3. In four case studies the improved and new ISA tools will be applied and tested. The case studies are designed to cover the broad spectrum of domains and contexts of ISA in the EU. The themes are: i) agriculture, forestry and land-use, ii) resource use, waste and dematerialisation, iii) water, and, iv) sustainable environmental technology development. 4. The involvement and engagement of stakeholders and policy makers will be secured throughout all activities of the project. This covers crosscutting capacity-building, communications and outreach tasks. To this purpose, external guidelines for ISA will be developed that will support the future use and application of tools and methods for ISA across a wide range of contexts. The resulting improved tools portfolio and ISA Guidelines will form the primary deliverables of the project. The major focus will be on ISA-modelling tools in relation to ISA-participatory methods, which will be made suitable for use by the European Commission and other actors that seek to apply ISA through a comprehensive dissemination programme. Prime Contractor: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam; Rotterdam; Netherlands.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Rotterdam ? Europäische Kommission ? Niederlande ? Nachhaltigkeitsziel ? EU-Politik ? Flächenverbrauch ? Leitfaden ? Reststoff ? Waldboden ? Durchführungsverordnung ? Klimafolgenforschung ? Abfall ? Bewässerung ? Bodenschutz ? Bohrkern ? Fallstudie ? Flächennutzung ? Interessenvertreter ? Umwelttechnik ? Wasser ? REACH ? Dematerialisierung ? Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung ? Verkehr ? Forstwirtschaft ? Landwirtschaft ? Nachhaltigkeit ? Ressourcennutzung ? Richtlinie ? Wissenschaft ? Politik ? Abdeckung ? Spektrum ? Verwertung ? bestehend ? extern ? Ableitung ? Einsatz ? Ergebnis ? fortschrittlich ? fördern ? Formblätter ? nachhaltig ? Lernziel ? Methode ? neu ? Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung ? Bodenbedeckung [Abdeckung] ? verfügbar ? Projekt ? Sicherungsanordnung ? Stand ? verwandt ? Werkzeug ? Zweckbestimmung ? Verhältnis ?

Region: Brandenburg

Bounding boxes: 6.14466° .. 6.14466° x 50.69716° .. 50.69716°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2005-04-01 - 2008-03-31



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Accessed 1 times.