Description: Das Projekt "Evaluation and comparison of utilitys and governmental DSM-Programmes for the promotion of condensing boilers-guidelines on effective programmes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung durchgeführt. Objective/Main objectives: 1. Providing Information on the characteristics of current DSM-programmes for the promotion of condensing boilers in different countries of the EU. 2. Establishing guidelines for the design of DSM-programmes, in particular for those that address the promotion of condensing boilers by offering financial incentives. Secondary objectives: 3. Gaining insight in the factors and mechanisms that influence the success and failure of DSM-programmes, in particular those for the promotion of condensing boilers. 4. Analyzing the effects caused by promotion of programmes concerning the customers energy consumption behaviour and effects on the retail and manufacturers market. General Information: Energy efficient natural gas-fired condensing boilers are seen as an important option for energy conservation and the reduction of CO2 emissions in many countries within the European Union. The implementation of condensing boilers in the residential sector is often promoted by utilities and governmental agencies offering financial incentives. The programmes vary strongly in design and execution. On the basis of these differences, and also on the differences in external circumstances like the regulatory framework they show very different success in terms of adaption by the target groups. Because it is the intention of the utilities and governmental agencies to optimize the effectiveness of their programmes, in particular to reduce the costs of the programmes, as well as to increase the number of participants, the following questions arise: Which factors influence the chance of success and failure of programmes for the promotion of condensing boilers? How can programmes be designed and carried out in order to optimize the chance of success? The project addresses these questions by examining and comparing several programmes in France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. Therefore the relation between the internal factors (programme design and execution), external factors (e. g. type of utility or governmental agency and characteristics of the customer groups addressed) and the rate of success will be analyzed. To provide a detailed basis of programme characteristics, a cooperation between research institutes and utilities has been established for this project. The principal aim is to gain insight in the factors that influence success and failure rates and to provide both a reference database of programmes as well as guidelines for the design and execution of future programmes to concerned agencies and groups. Part of the conclusions can also be applied to other DSM programmes as well.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Stuttgart ? Erdgas ? Seen ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Frankreich ? Vereinigtes Königreich ? Niederlande ? Brennwertkessel ? Alternative Energie ? Behörde ? Brennwertnutzung ? Einzelhandel ? Energieversorgung ? Kohlendioxid ? Konsumverhalten ? Schadstoffemission ? Warmwasserbereitung ? Wohngebiet ? Nationale Politik ? CO2-Minderung ? Europäische Union ? Lastmanagement ? Ökologische Wirksamkeit ? Handelsgewerbe ? Kostensteigerung ? Produzierendes Gewerbe ? Vergleichsanalyse ? Emissionsminderung ? Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ? Energieeinsparung ? Zielgruppe ? Energiegewinnung ? Versorgungsunternehmen ? Energiemarkt ? Energiepolitik ? Energietechnik ? Energieverbrauch ? Europa ? Energiewirtschaft ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Finanzierungshilfe ? Ökoeffizienz ? Kosteneffizienz ? Wirtschaftlichkeit ? Umweltprogramm ? Umweltrecht ? Ökonomisches Instrument ? Produktdesign ? Datenbank ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Umweltfreundliche Technologie ? Forschungskooperation ? Versorgungswirtschaft ? Effizienzkriterium ? Rahmenrichtlinie ? Handlungsorientierung ? Marktmechanismus ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1996-12-30 - 1998-06-30
Accessed 1 times.