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Studie der Mischungsphaenomene saisonbedingter Schwankungen im Hypolimnion des Genfer Sees

Description: Das Projekt "Studie der Mischungsphaenomene saisonbedingter Schwankungen im Hypolimnion des Genfer Sees" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Institut d'Hydraulique et d'Energie durchgeführt. An investigation of the seasonal variation of the vertical mixing is carried out with emphasis on the deep water dynamics. For the last four years high precision, high resolution profiles of temperature, conductivity and turbidity have been taken at eight stations along the axis of the Leman at time intervals between two weeks and one month. Overall thermal stratification is always stable. The temperature data show seasonal amplitudes comparable to those in other lakes of this climatic zone. In addition the deeper layers show a continuous warming trend over the last four years. From these data vertical turbulent mixing coefficients are estimated by different methods. Seasonal as well as depth related variation of the mixing coefficients is observed.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Tierhaltungsanlage ? Nährstoffgehalt ? Seen ? Genfer See ? Lausanne ? Temperaturverteilung ? Wind ? Hypolimnion ? Daten ? Energie ? Wasserströmung ? Leitfähigkeit ? Limnologie ? Mathematisches Modell ? Seenschichtung ? Studie ? Zirkulationsmodell ? Hydrologie ? Klimazone ? Stofftransport ? Turbulenz ? Zirkulation ? Elements nutritifs ? Lac ? Matieres ? Modele ? Plateau suisse ? See [Binnengewässer] ? transport de ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1986-06-01 - 1990-12-31



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