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Gas-enrichment installation to upgrade coal-mine gas for the use in the Oberhausen gas distribution network

Description: Das Projekt "Gas-enrichment installation to upgrade coal-mine gas for the use in the Oberhausen gas distribution network" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ruhrkohle AG durchgeführt. Objective: To build a compressor and a gas-enrichment installation (pressure-change-adsorption system) to bring the coal-mine exhaust gas of the Sterkrade mines to a fuel value equivalent to that of natural gas and feed this gas into the gas network of Oberhausen. The nominal output of the installation is 3500 Nm3/h of upgraded gas. The reuse of the mine exhaust gas currently flared is estimated to save 9,152 TOE/year. In the FRG there are 22 coal-mines where this technology could be applied with similar benefits leading to a total saving of 1 per cent of the gas imported in the FTG (62.9 billion m3) equivalent to 192,890 TOE/year. General Information: The Sterkrade pit has 3 gas suction devices whose function is to eliminate the methane gas from the coal-mine. Some 20 per cent of the mine gas can be reused in the central boiler of the mine, but 80 per cent finds no application and is flared. This project intends to upgrade this gas to a quality suitable for distribution in the natural gas network of the town. The mine gas contains a methane portion varying from 26 to 44 per cent and must be enriched to 87 per cent. This is achievable by using a 'pressure-change-adsorption' installation (DWA-Anlage) which consists of separation-columns and a buffer storage tank containing molecular sieves. The mine gas passes through the separation-columns where the methane is adsorbed leaving a methane-free exhaust which is then partly recirculated into another column where it re-collects the previously adsorbed methane until the necessary concentration. The upgraded gas is then compressed and fed +/- 80 per cent into the network, and the remaining 20 per cent is used for covering the requirements of the mine. The total cost of the project amounts to DM 10,619,590.-. The 'DWA' equipment will be installed by Berghau AG Niederrhein (BAN), a 100 per cent subsidiary of the contractor. A contract covers the subcontracting by Ruhrkohle to BAN. Patent coverage exists.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Oberhausen ? Brenngas ? Recycling ? Abfackeln ? Erdgas ? Gasnetz ? Niederrhein ? Molekularfilter ? Contracting ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Adsorption ? Chemische Zusammensetzung ? Energieträger ? Energieversorgung ? Futtermittel ? Industrieabgas ? Kohlebergbau ? Methan ? Patent ? Bergwerk ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Siebanalyse ? Tankbehälter ? Investitionskosten ? Abgas ? Brennwert ? Physikalisches Verfahren ? Absaugung ? Vertrag ? Stadt ? Heizwert ? Energieeinsparung ? Innovation ? Energietechnik ? Kreislaufsystem ? Stoffkreislauf ? Umweltfreundliche Technologie ? Zirkulation ? Zusammenarbeit ? Heizung ? Physikalische Größe ? Kessel ? Mehrfachnutzung ? Sterkrade ? Pufferkapazität ? Verdichter ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1985-04-01 - 1989-12-31



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Accessed 1 times.