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The Translation of European Concepts of Nature Conservation and Tourism into Chinese National Parks

Description: Das Projekt "The Translation of European Concepts of Nature Conservation and Tourism into Chinese National Parks" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt. Although the notion of conserving nature can be traced throughout history and across cultures, the institutionalization and internationalization of nature conservation has been shaped mostly by European discourse. Today, national parks are globally recognized as an integral element of nature conservation. This recognition is due, at least in part, to the propagation of conservation through, for example, the UNESCO's designation of natural areas as World Heritage sites and the IUCN's importance in monitoring the integrity of those sites. Since 1978 China has not only embarked on massive economic reforms, but also on a rapid (and underresearched) expansion course of national parks. As more and more Chinese gain access to the benefits of economic development, the demand for travel opportunities is, surprisingly, increasingly falling on China's relatively new national parks, further straining an already fragile system intended to conserve the last of China's dwindling natural landscapes. Based on interviews with local and international experts and stakeholders (i.e. authorities on the national, regional and local level; park managers; exponents of the tourism industry; farmers; local population, etc.) as well as on-site surveys with tourists at national parks in China, this dissertation project aims to generate an in-depth analysis of the translation of global and national discourses on nature conservation (shaped largely by European/Western ideas) into local practices of nature conservation in Chinese national parks.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Zürich ? Tourismusbedingte Umweltbelastung ? China ? Behörde ? Interview ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Sozialgeographie ? Interessenvertreter ? Internationaler Vergleich ? Nationalpark ? Naturlandschaft ? Wirtschaftsentwicklung ? Naturraum ? Massentourismus ? Nachhaltiger Tourismus ? Weltnaturerbe ? Tourismuswirtschaft ? Bevölkerung ? Empirische Untersuchung ? Tourismus ? Institutionalisierung ? Naturschutz ? Globale Aspekte ? Welterbe ? Landschaftsnutzung ? Handlungsbeteiligter ? Nachfrageeffekt ? Reiseveranstalter ? Sachverständiger ? Umweltbelastung durch Freizeitgestaltung ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2011-09-01 - 2014-08-30



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