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Beheizung von Gebaeuden und Wasser mit der Abwaerme einer Zementfabrik

Description: Das Projekt "Beheizung von Gebaeuden und Wasser mit der Abwaerme einer Zementfabrik" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von INTERATOM durchgeführt. Objective: Partial utilization of rotary kiln jacket waste heat to heat buildings and water for industrial use, by way of a radiation absorber. Concurrently a measuring programme is to take place for the long term evaluation of the following: - availability; - operating behaviour; - influencing kiln jacket temperature; - real energy saving costs; - operating costs; - commercial efficiency. Annual heating oil saving of +-130,000 litres is anticipated. General Information: Absorber design is to the following specifications: - heat transfer surface 103 m2; - length 6 m; - power at 370 deg C jacket; - temperature 650 kW; - power at 300 deg C jacket; - temperature 400 kW. The absorber is comprised of 12 single, level heat exchanger thermo plates. The plates are coated with black absorbent lacquer on the kiln side and equipped with weather-proof thermal insulation on the rear. The absorber plates, mounted on 2 swivel steel constructions, form two heptagonal half-shells completely enclosing the kiln over a length of 6 m at a distance of 0,5 m. The absorber loop absorbs heat from the radiation absorber, transferring it to hydraulically decoupled heating loops via three intermediate heat exchangers. A glycol-water mixture acts as heat transfer medium in the absorber loop. If less heat is required inlet temperature is limited by a 3-way valve whereby heat surplus to requirements is discharged to the cooling loop. In normal circumstances the absorber provides 100 per cent of the heat supply. The intermediate heat exchanger is by-passed at temperatures below 60 deg. C. In the event of heating loop failure the cooling loop acts as emergency cooling system and is designed for removal of total absorber output. Achievements: Acceptance tests were performed on the radiation absorber for different inlet temperatures of the heat transfer medium into the absorber, and for different absorber positions. Relevant input data for the absorber were inlet and outlet temperatures at the absorber, and its throughput. At a measuring cycle of two measures/min. power was recorded. The average hourly power was automatically printed. Kiln temperature was measured in the vicinity of the absorber at initially three, then five and in most cases seven almost equidistant positions. Kiln shell temperature was between 256 deg.C and 369 deg.C; absorber power, at different positions and inlet temperatures, was between 121 kW and 401 kW. The fact that the anticipated power of 600 kW was not achieved is due primarily to the inadequate tightness of the absorber system, in particular at the lower and upper 12 cm gap between the half shells. A vertical flow velocity of 2 m/s was measured there with an anemometer. With heat transfer coefficients of 6.4W/m2K for the kiln and 5.7W/m2K for the absorber for free connective flow, a convection loss of 180 kW results for the kiln and of 40 kW for the absorber. This is a total of 220 kW. 50 per cent of this can certainly be used with adequate ...


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Zementindustrie ? Anemometer ? Baustoffindustrie ? Absorber ? Abwärmenutzung ? Temperaturverteilung ? Thermodynamik ? Wärmeversorgung ? Heizöl ? Betriebsdaten ? Brennstoffverbrauch ? Drehofen ? Gebäude ? Messprogramm ? Messtechnik ? Abwärme ? Wärmeübertrager ? Wärmeleitfähigkeit ? Alternative Energie ? Warmwasserbereitung ? Zementwerk ? Betriebskosten ? Energieeinsparung ? Energiegewinnung ? Energiekosten ? Energietechnik ? Brennofen ? Kostensenkung ? Kreislaufsystem ? Messdaten ? Wirkungsgrad ? Industrieanlage ? Heizung ? Kühlung ? Produktdesign ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Auswertungsverfahren ? Brennstoffeinsparung ? Abwärmeboiler ? Wärmetransformator ? Wärmetransport ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1982-10-01 - 1988-11-30



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Accessed 1 times.