Description: Das Projekt "Information packages for energy efficient mobility" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungsgesellschaft Mobilität - Austrian Mobility Research, FGM-AMOR, Gemeinnützige GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: For special target groups (new-comers in cities, new-comers in companies and families) information packages for energy efficient mobility will be developed. Objective is to help to change the behavioural habits. General Information: A way to accomplish increased use of energy-efficient modes of transport, is to change people's behaviour. One of the most important reasons, why people do not use energy-efficient modes of transport, is the lack of information. Another reason are the firm established habits in favour of the motorized modes of transport. For example, surveys in German and Austrian cities show that the lack of information/acceptance accounts for 21 per cent of the reason why people do not use public transport (resp. bicycles, etc.) more often. Another 5 per cent does have the information and the possibility to use public transportation, but chooses not to do so out of habit. It would be strategically correct to fill the information gap about energy-efficient modes of transport, on a time in which people are the most prepared to make changes in their behavioural habits. That time can be when there is an objective change in living conditions, for example when one moves to a new house, or a new job, but also when there are changes, such as the birth of a child, the child's school entry, etc. For theses special times Information-Packages for Energy-Efficient Mobility will be developed for the different target groups to help to change the behavioural habits.. 1.2. Actions to be taken: The following actions will be taken; a) The development of the information-packages; b) The pilot execution in the three cities; c) Evaluation of the pilot execution, development of a dissemination-strategy, concept of implementation in cities, resp. companies and possibilities of cost reduction. 1.3. Expected results: It is expected that the predicted increase in energy consumption can be restrained by this measure. The measures in the field of motivation and information are of course very dependent on the current general conditions. These are, for example, establishment structures, parking politics or restrictions. Therefore, the quantifiable objectives for the program show the average figures for the participating regions/cities, which can not be used for other cities in Europe without adaptation. The following fuel-savings are valid under the assumption that the whole target group in the cities can be reached. (see cost / benefit calculation in the proposal). The pilot actions cover 10 per cent in Graz, 30 per cent in Besancon and 100 per cent in Hasselt. For other cities / regions the project only has to be adapted to the specific regional differences and the costs for following users will be relatively low. The project consists of a number of distinctive work-packages. WP.1. Development Of The Packages. Objective: To develop the three information-packages, that will be used for the pilot in the cities. Also to concept the allocation ...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Verhaltensmuster ? Lack ? Österreich ? Parkplatz ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Individualverkehr ? Kind ? Konsumverhalten ? Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse ? ÖPNV ? Stadtverkehr ? Verbraucherinformation ? Modal Split ? Graz ? Energieeinsparung ? Energieverbrauch ? Fahrrad ? Informationsvermittlung ? Kostensenkung ? Personenverkehr ? Sozialforschung ? Umweltbewusstes Verhalten ? Zielgruppe ? Schule ? Stadt ? Öffentlicher Verkehr ? Europa ? Pilotprojekt ? Verpackung ? Verkehrsträger ? Unternehmenspolitik ? Räumliche Mobilität ? Mobilitätsforschung ? Besancon ? Akzeptanz ? Betriebsstruktur ? Hasselt ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1997-02-01 - 1998-08-31
Accessed 1 times.