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Comparative sustainability assessment of the impact of GM plants in Swiss conventional, integrated and organic farming systems

Description: Das Projekt "Comparative sustainability assessment of the impact of GM plants in Swiss conventional, integrated and organic farming systems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Deutschland e.V. durchgeführt. Is the cost of producing genetically modified plants worth it for Swiss farmers? If the production of genetically modified (GM) plants was authorized in Switzerland, it is likely that costs would be driven up because of legislative measures. Given these conditions, would it be worthwhile for Swiss farmers to cultivate GM plants side by side with traditional varieties? Background If GM and conventional plant varieties were to be grown alongside one another, farmers would have to ensure along the whole production chain that seeds and products do not mix. This would entail a series of technical and administrative measures whose cost has so far not been accurately determined. Objectives The project's goal is to determine the costs at every production stage and for each farm of letting GM and traditional crops grow side by side. It also aims to determine the importance of neighbouring farms' reactions. With this analysis, it should be possible to estimate if and under which conditions the introduction of GM plants in the agricultural sector is worthwhile. Methods Farms from a selected representative test area in Canton Geneva lie at the heart of the complex analysis. The costs linked to the production of GM plants for each farm will be estimated first: these can include work time (for example for the clearing of vehicles or of storage areas) as well as changes to the way the farm is run (establishing a buffer zone around GM crops, for example). In a second stage, these extra costs will be compared with the profits farmers expect from GM plant production. The farmers will then be able to decide individually if and under which conditions they would be prepared to commit to GM crops. Based on all their decisions, it should be possible to determine how much arable land would be turned over to GM plants. The results from the test region will then be extrapolated to all of Switzerland. This will allow for a cost-benefit analysis for each farm, given that if more GM crops are planted, the related costs will drop. Significance The results could play a major role in the political decision process leading to the possible authorization of GM crops in Swiss agriculture.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Genf ? Genf ? Industriepflanze ? Saatgut ? Schweiz ? Gentechnisch veränderte Pflanze ? Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Pflanzenbestand ? Pflanzenproduktion ? Wirtschaftlichkeitsuntersuchung ? Ökologischer Landbau ? Betriebskosten ? Kostenanalyse ? Bewertung ? Wirkungsanalyse ? Wirtschaftlichkeit ? Ökonomischer Gewinn ? Gentechnisch veränderte Organismen ? Gesetzgebung ? Herz ? Konventionelle Landwirtschaft ? Ackerland ? Lagerung ? Landwirtschaft ? Nachhaltigkeit ? Bewirtschaftungssystem ? Entscheidungsprozess ? Fahrzeug ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Kosten ? Pufferzone [Biosphärenreservat] ? Bepflanzung ?

Region: Hessen

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 50.55° .. 50.55°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2008-01-01 - 2010-12-31



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