Description: Das Projekt "Livelihood Futures in Resource-scarce Areas" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt. Studying resource-scarce areas in South Asia and East Africa, this research project seeks to identify new livelihood strategies for groups vulnerable to exclusion, particularly strategies that diminish reliance on natural resources. Special attention is given to the governing institutional context in order to reveal ways of supporting equity-effective institutions. We thereby ask the following guiding questions: How the livelihoods are secured at present, and what is the situation specifically of food security? What kind of alternative livelihood options (including options to secure food) do exist in these contexts, or are being fostered by development interventions? Who has access to these opportunities (i.e. is included), and who not (i.e. is excluded)? What are the institutional processes that produce these exclusions or inclusion? And how could equity-effectiveness of the institutional context be supported? Finally - looking into the future, which scenarios of impacts of climate change on livelihood security (food production etc.) exist? Which impacts could these processes have onto the already contested field of securing livelihoods; and which policies are necessary to cope with this? Our in-depth study of the changing patterns of livelihood strategies and identification of enabling livelihood options for marginal communities in the face of resource and food scarcity and social conflicts - especially beyond the (presently dominant) focus on natural resources - contributes to a comprehensive understanding of social conflicts and processes of exclusion and inclusion of certain social groups in the marginal areas, and reveals avenues for alternative livelihood options and support structures. These insights will then be used for a 'research informed constructive dialogue' with concerned stakeholders and practitioners to find ways of improving existing practices by using transdisciplinary approach. Case studies: Transnational Land Deals and Local Livelihoods in Tanzania (Martina Locher) In recent years there has been a rapid growth in the number of investors from Western, Asian and Gulf countries acquiring large shares of agricultural land in poorer countries, in order to plant food or biofuel crops, for forestry plantations and many other purposes. The strong increase of such investments triggered a lively debate on their impacts in host countries. Supporters claim that they entail new income opportunities, improved technologies and infrastructure in rural areas. Critics draw attention to violations of (formal and informal) land rights held by local people, decreasing access to and degradation of natural resources, and ultimately increased food insecurity in the respective areas. In sub-Saharan Africa, a hotspot region for foreign investment, the rush for foreign land happens in a context of unstable farming existences. Population growth and climate change lead to increased pressure on natural resources. usw.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Biokraftstoff ? Allee ? Zürich ? Bevölkerungswachstum ? Binsen ? Schilf ? Blei ? Bucht ? Gebäude ? Kind ? Landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb ? Szenario ? Ostasien ? Einkommen ? Ackerland ? Handelsgewerbe ? Interessenvertreter ? Studie ? Technik ? Wirkungsgrad ? Natürliche Ressourcen ? Wirkung ? Ressourcenabbau ? Afrika ? Plantage ? Klimafolgen ? Infrastruktur ? Produktion ? Ernährungssicherheit ? Forschung ? Forstwirtschaft ? Investition ? Klimawandel ? Körperschaft ? Ländlicher Raum ? Landwirtschaft ? Lebensmittel ? Ressource ? Sicherheit ? Soziale Gruppe ? Gebiet ? Politik ? Landwirtschaftliche Fläche ? Strategische Aspekte ? Rechte ? GRUPPE ? Wachstum [biologisch] ? ZWECKBESTIMMUNG ? GEMEINSCHAFT ? BESTEHEND ? FOERDERN ? BESONDER ? FRAGE ? ABNAHME ? Gesetzesverstoß ? Grenzüberschreitung ? KONFLIKT ? Kapitalanlage ? LAENDER ? GEBRAUCHT ? LAND ? Lebensgrundlage ? DRUCK ? GEGENWART ? NEU ? PROJEKT ? Pflanzung ? SONSTIG ? STARK ? SUEDLICH ? ENTWICKLUNG ? UMGANG ? VERARBEITEN ? Erlass [Recht] ? ZUGANG ? Vermehrung ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2009-07-01 - 2014-06-30
Webseite zum Förderprojekt (Webseite)Accessed 1 times.