Description: Das Projekt "Early age behaviour of 'green' UHPFRC with high GGBFS content" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPF), Institut d'Amenagement des Terres et des Eaux (IATE) durchgeführt. Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC) are characterised by a very low water/binder ratio, high binder content and an optimized fibrous reinforcement. These new building materials provide the structural engineer with an unique combination of extremely low permeability, high strength and tensile strain hardening behaviour in the range of ductile metals (up to 0.2 Prozent at localization) and excellent rheological properties in fresh state. Recent research works with UHPFRC have demonstrated that these materials were perfectly well suited and best adapted for applications in composite UHPFRC-concrete structures. All this however was established for UHPFRC made with pure Portland cements. The rapidly growing interest for the use of these materials for new constructions or improvement of existing structures has triggered major industrial efforts to provide optimized UHPFRC recipes (binders and fibrous mix) from locally available components. More specifically, the optimization of the binders (type and content) and fibrous mix in such recipes would dramatically facilitate the penetration of these products on the market. On another hand, it is well known that the use of blended cements with mineral additions presents significant advantages for usual concretes and more recent ones such as self-compacting concretes,. Among those industrial by-products, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) appears to be a promising solution for use in UHPFRC, for its widely spread availability and excellent properties in fresh state and at long term as hydraulic binder. The objective of this research is to study UHPFRC mixes with binders containing high dosages of GGBFS, and to determine an appropriate amount of cement replacement by slag which does not compromise the excellent properties of UHPFRC achieved actually with pure Portland cement (high early age strength, low drying shrinkage, moderate autogenous shrinkage, significant viscoelasticity, tensile hardening behaviour and self-healing capacity). The project will involve (1) experimental studies performed on materials at early age and long term (2) theoretical modelling and numerical simulations, for various kinds of UHPFRC recipes with or without blended cements. The results will be directly beneficial to end users in the form of recommendations for the industrial development of 'green' UHPFRC recipes with high amounts of cement replacement by GGBFS. As such, benefits can be expected at three levels: economical, with cheaper UHPFRC materials, ecological with significant reduction of the gas emissions associated with cementitious materials with a high cement dosage, and societal with the emergence of a new family of green Advanced Cementitious Materials, adapted for the improvement of existing structures, in order to reduce dramatically the burden of multiple interventions during their service life, in a sustainable way.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Stahlbeton ? Zement ? Beton ? Blattgemüse ? Verbundwerkstoff ? Baustoff ? Lausanne ? Material ? Asche ? Ökologie ? Brunnen ? Bindemittel ? Klebstoff ? Gebäude ? Hochofen ? Hydraulik ? Kind ? Schlacke ? Staatseigentum ? Strafrecht ? Metall ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Mischkunststoff ? Emission ? Produktlebensdauer ? Bautechnik ? Bewässerung ? Familie ? Nebenprodukt ? Permeabilität ? Simulation ? Staat ? Studie ? Trocknung ? Verdichtung ? Wasser ? Lebensalter ? Modellierung ? Belastung ? Bauen im Bestand ? Arbeit ? Erdoberfläche ? Faser ? Feuerung ? Forschung ? Mineral ? Produkt ? Sprengung ? EINSATZ ? Zins ? Ortsbestimmung ? BEST ? BESTANDTEIL ? PROJEKT ? ERGEBNIS ? VERFUEGBAR ? BETRAG ? ANWENDER ? ERSATZ ? EXTREM ? VERFUEGBARKEIT ? VERHALTEN ? Erlass [Recht] ? VERMISCHUNG ? NEU ? GEGENWART ? GEHALT ? INDUSTRIELL ? VERSTAERKUNG ? INDUSTRIEPRODUKT ? INITIATIVE ? KONNEX ? Verwertung ? LAENDER ? Buchgrundstück ? LEISTUNGSFAEHIGKEIT ? DAUER ? LOESUNG ? MISCHUNG ? Muskelarbeit ? EIN ? EINDRINGUNG ? FORMBLAETTER ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2006-10-01 - 2007-07-31
Accessed 1 times.