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A European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry - ETP-SC

Description: Das Projekt "A European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry - ETP-SC" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von DECHEMA Forschungsinstitut Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts durchgeführt. Innovative chemistry will contribute largely to our innovation demands. The challenge is, in concert with other scientific disciplines, to nurture and support the required transformation of chemistry science and its industrial application, in order to deli ver future options and new technologies that are intrinsically sustainable, also enabling competitiveness of the EU chemical industry. This SSA aims to support and increase sustainable chemistry innovation in Europe, by facilitating a European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem ETP). The SusChem ETP will be a multi-stakeholder activity that will involve all relevant stakeholders from e.g. industry, academia, policy makers and regulators, financial community, societal organisations. The SSA will organise general as well as expert workshops, to identify where Europe want to be with regards to sustainable chemistry in the next 15-20 years (vision paper), what science gaps and barriers exist to reach that vision (Strategic Research Agenda, S RA), how to fill the science gaps by means of collaborative R&D, both on European and national levels, and how to remove the barriers to sustainable chemistry innovation (SRA implementation plan). An extensive communication plan will ensure engagement and open communication with stakeholders. The SSA will make a significant contribution to the EU's 'Lisbon' and 'sustainable development' strategies. The SusChem ETP work will be framed within established EU policy with respect to the Framework Programme s, Sustainable Development, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology, Materials and Processes' priorities. Several themes are directly contributing to the Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) and the European Strategy for Environment and Health. The SSA is about setting up the SusChem ETP and will put in place the processes by which progress will be monitored and plans and policy recommendations are revised, in future years beyond the duration of the SSA. Prime Contractor: Conseil Europeen des Federations de l'Industrie Chimique; Bruxelles; Belgium.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Chemische Industrie ? Zivilrecht ? Chemie ? Europäische Union ? Biotechnologie ? Interdisziplinarität ? Interessenvertreter ? Nachhaltige Entwicklung ? REACH ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Nanotechnologie ? Workshop ? Nachhaltigkeitsprinzip ? Entscheidungshilfe ? Lissabon-Strategie der EU [2000 - 2010] ?

Region: Hessen

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 50.55° .. 50.55°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2005-01-01 - 2007-03-31




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Accessed 1 times.