Description: Das Projekt "Einsatz von Biokohle und Rhizobacteria und ihr Potential zur Verbesserung der Bodeneigenschaften für den Leguminosenanbau unter Trockenstress (AvH Egamberdieva)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V., Institut für Landschaftsbiogeochemie durchgeführt. Biochar, a black carbon sequestering material, and an active plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) community have both been shown to enhance soil productivity and plant growth, although they have not been tested under drought affected field conditions. This research project will investigate how the addition of biochars, derived from maize silage and PGPR can improve the soil biological, chemical, physical properties, plant growth and nutrient uptake on drought affected soils where water scarcity and low soil organic matter status are major factors limiting crop production. In greenhouse and field experiments we will test the hypothesis that PGPR along with biochar application is an effective strategy to reduce soil degradation by drought and to increase soil fertility by enhancing soil organic matter status, soil microbial activity and nutrient availability, apart from having other beneficial effects such as C sequestration. In addition it is expected that biochar may protect bacteria under drought stress in soils, increasing their survival in soil, where competition with native microorganisms for nutrients is very high. Moreover, potential of biochar as inoculums carrier can promote its production from biological wastes, preventing these materials from emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by being burned or composted. The project will give an opportunity to expand current research on biochar and bacterial fertilizer amendments for alfalfa of degraded and low-fertility soils in Europe to a wider range of soil types and climate conditions, from which we can expect new insights into the way biochars interact with soils and soil biota in general. Improving soil quality by biochar and PGPR can make a great impact on the sustainability of the profitable use of the affected soils, in particular under conditions of climate change.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Kompost ? Bodennährstoff ? Mais ? Biopharmazeutikum ? Bodenkohlenstoff ? Black Carbon ? Bodenbakterien ? Bodenbiologie ? Düngemittel ? Humus ? Kompostierung ? Silage ? Gewächshaus ? Pflanzenkohle ? Bodendegradation ? Bodenfruchtbarkeit ? Bodenkunde ? Bodenmikroorganismen ? Bodennutzung ? Bodenverbesserung ? Industrieabfall ? Kohlendioxid ? Kohlenstoffbilanz ? Pflanzenproduktion ? Rhizosphäre ? Stress ? Organisches Material ? Dürre ? Organischer Abfall ? Unterboden ? Anpassungsstrategie ? Klimafolgen ? Ackerland ? Fruchtbarkeit ? Bodenqualität ? Beschlagnahme ? Mikroorganismen ? Pilz ? Boden ? Biologische Aktivität ? Europa ? Additionsreaktion ? Bodentyp ? Klimaanpassung ? Abfallaufkommen ? Nährstoffaufnahme ? Niedrigwasser ? Chemikalien ? Forschungsprojekt ? Wasserknappheit ? Nährstoffverfügbarkeit ? Klimaforschung ? Produktivität ? Freilandversuch ? Atmosphäre ? Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung ? Physikalische Größe ? Produktivitätssteigerung ? Projektstudium ? Trockenstress ? Einschränkender Faktor ?
Region: Brandenburg
Bounding boxes: 6.14466° .. 6.14466° x 50.69716° .. 50.69716°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2014-12-01 - 2017-05-31
Accessed 1 times.