Description: Das Projekt "EUROMARGE - Hydrodynamische und biogeochemische Zyklen an den Kontinentalschelfen des Mittelmeers" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Neuchatel, Institut de Geologie durchgeführt. Leading Questions: - To study and quantify the exchange processes occurring between the coastal domain and the open sea; - To verify the working hypothesis of a mid-slope depositional center which mediates particle transfer to the deep-sea; - To serve as a database which could improve the validation of models restriceted to the coastal area. Abstract: The EUROMARGE programme is a component of the MAST II Mediterranean Targeted Project. One of its ultimate goal is to reach a comprehensive understanding of the functioning of continental margin ecosystems and to quantify their contribution to the element budget in the ocean. The LIMNOCEANE team from the University of Neuchatel mainly contributes to the physical component of the programme. It is responsible for the circulation studies at regional scale. The hydrographic (CTD) probes owned by LIMNOCEANE have been upgraded with new sensors for the measurement of environmental parameters (O2 and pH), complemented by optical devices for the characterization of the suspended matter (OBS, CHl-a by fluorescence). Hydrographic profiling and transects across/along the continental margins have provided maps of the distribution of the suspended solids, in relation with the hydrographic and environmental conditions. Up to now, LIMNOCEAN participated in two major cruises of the programme. For both cruises, hydrographic and nephelometric data sets were broadly shared between participants. The FLUBAL cruise August (1993) was organized by the University of Barcelona with the framework of the EUROMARGE-NB (Northern Baleares and Gulf of Lion areas). A network of 188 stations was covered in 18 days on board the N.O. Minerva (I). Special emphasis was put on four 'workshop' areas in which an intense interdisciplinary work was carried out (Physics, sediment geochemistry, biology). The PALMAS cruise (June 1994, N.O. Urania) was organised jointly by the University of Edinburgh and Bologna within the framework of EUROMARGE-AS. The objective there was focused on the dispersion of the suspended matter and associated pollutants from the Po river southwards along the western shore of the Adriatic Sea. As in the previous cruises, the physical oceanography component (108 stations) confirmed to be a key support in the definition of a coherent sampling strategy for the subsequent geochemical analysis of collected samples. The theoretical component of the LIMNOCEANE contribution to EUROMARGE focuses on modelling the regional circulation in the Gulf of Lion, with the ultimate aim to stimulate the transport of suspended matter in relation with the field observations. Special attention is paid to the stability of the algorithm in the hydrodynamical model and to the determination of the vertical velocities. The specific problems arising from open sea boundaries and the forcing by realistic meteorological conditions are also considered in that approach.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Barcelona ? Messgerät ? Kartierung ? Kontinentalschelf ? Messstellennetz ? Sauerstoff ? Sensor ? Chemie ? Dispersion ? Geologie ? Hydrographie ? Messdaten ? pH-Wert ? Sediment ? Modellierung ? Adriatisches Meer ? REACH ? Kenngröße ? Küste ? Ökosystem ? Partikel ? Stofftransport ? Zirkulation ? Probenahme ? Mittelmeer ? Workshop ? Golf-von-Lyon ? Kontinentalrand ? Po ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1993-07-01 - 1995-12-31
Accessed 1 times.