Description: Das Projekt "Moeglichkeiten der Ascheverwertung von Hackschnitzel- und Rindenfeuerungsanlagen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Grundlagen der Verfahrenstechnik und Anlagentechnik durchgeführt. This project aims at the characterization of ashes from biomass combustion plants and possibilities of utilizing them in a sustainable way. In detail the following points are covered: Development of a combination of analytical methods, which guarantees the complete detection of nutrients and heavy metals in the complex matrix wood ash. Characterization (bulk density, surface structure) and chemical composition (concentration of plant nutrients, heavy metals and organic contaminants) of ashes from biomass combustion plants using bark, sawdust and wood chips as fuel. Calculation of material balances of biomass incinerators for inorganic elements (from the biomass fuel to the different ash fractions produced) in order to understand more about the influencing variables on these material fluxes. Research on possibilities of utilizing wood ash in a sustainable way (pot experiments and field trials with wood ash in agricultural land and in forests) - in collaboration with the Institute of Plant Growing and Plant Breeding at the University of Agriculture and Forestry in Vienna. The effects of wood ash as an additive in the agricultural compost production.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Graz ? Reststoffverwertung ? Abfallverwertung ? Asche ? Rückstandsanalyse ? Zusatzstoff ? Baumrinde ? Chemische Zusammensetzung ? Materialprüfung ? Verbrennung ? Holz ? Altholz ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Biomasse ? Umweltverträglichkeit ? Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung ? Holzasche ? Rindenasche ? Stoffeigenschaften ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1992-10-01 - 1996-10-31
Accessed 2 times.