Description: Das Projekt "In ein Gesamt-Energiesystem integrierte 1,2-MW-Windturbine fuer die Insel Helgoland" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gemeinde Helgoland durchgeführt. Objective: 1.2 MW wind turbine made mainly by MAN and known as WEG 60 with an estimated yearly output of 4.6 GWh integrated in a total energy system for the supply of electricity, heat and drinking water by desalination for the Island of Helgoland. General Information: 1. General. The energy demand on Helgoland is characterised by the following figures: yearly electricity demand is 16,500,000 KWh (max power demand of 3.2 MW), yearly heat demand is 28,000,000 KWh (max power demand of 12 MW). The system consists of the following parts: A wind turbine (1.2 MW), a combined heat/electricity system consisting of 2 diesel engines coupled to two electricity generators (2x1.2 MW) and two heat pumps (2x1.2 MW heat output), diesel engines producing electricity (2x0.4 MW + 3x3.34 MW), heavy fuel boilers producing heat (2x5.5 MW), hot water storage (150 cub. M), a sea water desalination plant (reverse osmosis), daily output 800 cub. M), and an exhaust purification plant. The wind turbine and the 2 heavy fuel diesel engines produce the required electricity. The 5 small diesel engines act as a back-up. The reverse osmosis plant will primarily be fed by excess electricity produced by the wind turbine. 2. Wind turbine. The MAN 1.2 MW (WC 60), 56 m diameter, 3 steel/GRFP bladed upwind wind turbine will produce approx. 4,6 GWh of electricity per year at a yearly average wind speed of 8 m/s at 10 m height. The turbine has cut in speed 4.9 m/s, cut-out 24 m/s and reaches its rated power at 12 m/s. The rotor is situated on a tower which consists of a steel pipe 25 m in length and 3.5 m external diameter, based on a 16 m high conical reinforced concrete base. In order to enable operation in a small local grid, a variable speed asynchronous generator with static frequency converter is used (AC-DC-AC link). It allows a speed variation of the rotor between 40-110 per cent of the rated speed. The reactive power demand is compensated by using a synchronous condensor. The frequency and grid stability will be accomplished by one of the heavy fuel diesel engines of 1.2 MW which is designed for operation of low load if necessary. The wind turbine generated electricity will be fed to the local diesel based grid. The project will allow to be determined the contribution of Wind Energy integrated in a total energy system for the supply of electricity, heat and desalination of sea water for the small Island of Helgoland with approximately 2000 inhabitants. Furthermore the wind turbine itself is innovative and is the first 3 bladed wind turbine with an installed power greater than 1 MW that has been supported by the Commission. The estimated cost per energy unit produced by the wind turbine is 0.40 DM while a conventional solution would lead to a cost of 0.21 DM. Achievements: The wind turbine was put into operation the 21/2/90 and was taken over by the user the 28/03/91. Up to date the wind turbine has been into operation and has produced about 1673 MWh which corresponds to ...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Stahlbeton ? Dieselkraftstoff ? Windgeschwindigkeit ? Stromnetz ? Brennstoff ? Dieselmotor ? Elektrizität ? Stromversorgung ? Meerwasserentsalzung ? Umkehrosmose ? Wärmeversorgung ? Warmwasserspeicher ? Windenergie ? Windkraftanlage ? Blei ? Wind ? Entsalzungsanlage ? Helgoland ? Island ? Trinkwasseraufbereitung ? Alternative Energie ? Verfahrenskombination ? Verfahrensparameter ? Wärmeerzeugung ? Wärmepumpe ? Warmwasserbereitung ? Energieversorgung ? Entsalzung ? Insel ? Integrierte Umweltschutztechnik ? Kostenrechnung ? Stromerzeugung ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Wärmebedarf ? Abgasreinigung ? Energie ? Energiebedarf ? Wasseraufbereitung ? Energiegewinnung ? Energiekosten ? Energiesystem ? Wirkungsgrad ? Energietechnik ? Stahl ? Trinkwasser ? Rotor ? Bevölkerung ? Brenner ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Kessel ? Anlagenbau ? Rohrleitung ? Drehzahl ? WEG 60 ? Heizöl [schwer] ? Turbomaschine ? Anlagenbemessung ?
Region: Schleswig-Holstein
Bounding boxes: 9.75° .. 9.75° x 54.2° .. 54.2°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1984-06-22 - 1993-06-30
Accessed 1 times.