Description: Das Projekt "Fate of 17-ethinylestradiol in the aqueous environment and the associated effects on organisms" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von RWTH Aachen University, Institut für Umweltforschung, Biologie V, Lehrstuhl für Umweltbiologie und -chemodynamik durchgeführt. Introduction: In aquatic systems, the bioavailability of a compound is dependent on numerous factors such as partitioning between water, different organisms and solids, biotransformation and food web transfer. This project dealt with the fate of an important environmental xeno-estrogen, 17-ethinylestradiol (EE2), in the aquatic environment. Therefore, the kinetics of EE2 in indicator species representing the different trophic levels of an ecosystem were assessed. As primary producers, green algae (Desmodesmus suspicatus) were selected. The water flea Daphnia magna and larvae of the midge Chironomus riparius were introduced as primary consumers of the water phase and the sediment, respectively. Finally, water as well as dietary uptake of EE2 were investigated in a target species and secondary consumer: zebrafish (Danio rerio). Methodology: In a first series of experiments, uptake of 14C-labelled EE2 (14C-EE2) from the water phase and elimination by the different organisms were investigated over time. In a second test series, both primary consumers were fed 14C-EE2 spiked algae in order to study bioaccumulation. Uptake of 14C-EE2 by chironomid larvae after water and sediment spiking was compared, including sediments of different composition. In a third series of experiments, male fish were short term (48 h) exposed to 14C-EE2 through different routes: by water exposure (WE) and by dietary exposure (DE) via both contaminated daphnids and chironomid larvae. Distribution of 14C-EE2 in the fish was studied by measuring the amount of radioactivity (RA) in the different fish tissues. Additionally, the effect of EE2 on the vitellogenin (Vtg) induction in male fish was compared after WE and DE in a long term (14 d) experiment. The RA in liquid samples was quantified by means of liquid scintillation counting (LSC). Solid samples were subjected to combustion in a biological oxidiser, trapping (14)CO2, measured with LSC. Water and organism extracts were analysed by means of HPLC with a radiodetector, except for algae extracts that were subjected to TLC. Metabolites were identified with GC-MS, high resolution LC-MS and enzymatic hydrolysis followed by HPLC with radiodetection. Metabolites, detected in the water phase, were tested for estrogenic activity by means of YES and ER-CALUX assays. Results: Accumulation and effects: Of the four organisms mentioned above, bioconcentration of 14C-EE2 was highest in the algae. Whereas the growth rate of D. subspicatus was significantly affected at high EE2 concentrations compared to unexposed algae, EE2 had no acute effects on D. magna and C. riparius. Daphnids showed a higher bioaccumulation potential after exposure via spiked algae. For chironomids, water exposure was the predominant uptake route. The presence of sediment lowered the bioavailability of 14C-EE2 to the larvae after both water and sediment spiking. Nevertheless, uptake was higher when the nutritional quality of the sediment was better. Etc.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Aachen ? Blattgemüse ? Östrogene Wirkung ? Bisphenol A ? Biopharmazeutikum ? Fisch ? Larve ? Mücke ? GC-MS ? Grünalgen ? Ökologie ? Brunnen ? Wiederansiedlung von Tierarten ? Wiederansiedlung von Pflanzenarten ? Radioaktivitätsmessung ? Daphnien ? Feststoff ? Flüssigkeitschromatografie ? Gesetzentwurf ? Kohlendioxid ? Stoffwechselprodukt ? Verbrennung ? Wiederansiedlung ? Wirkung ? Biokonzentration ? Floh ? Flüssiger Stoff ? Östrogen wirksame Substanz ? Bioakkumulationspotenzial ? Zebrafisch ? Studie ? Umweltforschung ? Bioindikator ? Wasseranalyse ? Biotransformation ? Bioverfügbarkeit ? Sediment ? Algen ? Hydrolyse ? Wasser ? Bewässerung ? Exposition ? Wirkung ? Aquatisches Ökosystem ? Effektkonzentration ? Fischgewässer ? Bioakkumulation ? Trophiegrad ? Anreicherung ? Ökosystem ? Organismen ? Indikator ? Umwelt ? Probe ? Projekt ? Ergebnis ? biologisch ? kurz ? männlich ? trophisch ? vergleichen ? Experiment ? Fahrwegfestlegung ? Art [Spezies] ? wichtig ? Thema ? Untersuchung ? Verbleib ? Verbraucher ? Konzentrat ? Methodik ? Verteilung ? Dauer ? Wachstum [biologisch] ? Einfangen ? Xenobiotika, Östrogen wirksame Substanz ? Produzent ? ausgewählt ? bewerten ?
Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2005-01-01 - 2008-12-31
Accessed 1 times.