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Verbrennung von Kohle fuer das Brennen von Ziegelsteinen

Description: Das Projekt "Verbrennung von Kohle fuer das Brennen von Ziegelsteinen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gebrüder Löhlein Ziegelwerke durchgeführt. Objective: To convert a brick kiln fired with heavy oil to coal firing and to examine the effects of the burning of coal on the specific heat consumption, the quality of the product and the occurring ashes. On the basis of preliminary examinations on other kilns, an energy saving of more than 55 per cent is anticipated compared with oil-firing. General Information: The brick tunnel kiln to be converted to coal firing is to be equipped with an intermittent coal firing facility and tested. For this purpose, the necessary coal preparation facilities (feed bunker, transport systems, hammer mill, daily bunker and coal stokers at the blowing in points) and the special burner systems are to be developed and adapted to suit the specified tunnel kiln. The overall system will then be tested and, if necessary, modified depending on the product quality. Finally, the operating efficiency of the coal firing facility is to be tested during a longer demonstration operation period. The concept for the coal firing facility was based on the use and testing or different types of coal with various grain sizes to be able to optimize the requirements on coal quality and grain size both for separation and charging. The driest possible fine coal with a grain size of 0 - 6 mm is necessary for the blowing device. The erected preparation facilities comprise a feed bunker, from which the rough coal is conveyed to the hammer mill via a dispatch belt. After being ground to the necessary grain size, the fine coal is transported by pipe chain conveyers to the dosing appliances on the tunnel kiln in the form of coal stockers. They intermittently charge a coal-air mixture into the combustion planes of the kiln through lateral slits via so-called guide tubes. The ends of the tubes, which are fitted with baffle plates, protrude into the combustion channel. They are incandescent (hot bulb ignition) and cause the ignition of the mixture. Charging is effected in a 30-second rhythm alternating with every fourth row of the burner tubes. In the cases of intermittent charging, the coal-air mixture is pressed against the baffle plate with a high pressure and passes into the furnace area via the lateral slits in the incandescent tubes. Combustion is almost explosive. The intermittent control of the air feed is effected by a central closed-loop control facility via solenoid valves. Achievements: In a 26 week operation period, a mean fuel consumption of 1500 kJ/kg of fired bricks including drying was achieved. This corresponds to an energy saving of about 42 per cent when compared to operation with heavy heating oil. Although the target was not achieved, a considerable saving quota was realized. In the meantime, the facility has been demonstrated to several hundred interested parties from the brick industry and has therefore made an important contribution to the necessary spread of the experience and information gained in the course of this project.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Ziegelei ? Ziegel ? Brennerei ? Festbrennstoff ? Flüssigbrennstoff ? Öl ? Glühlampe ? Blech ? Gerinne ? Wasserstraße ? Asche ? Kraftstoffverbrauch ? Tunnel ? Wärmeverbrauch ? Brand ? Energieträger ? Verbrennungstechnik ? Flugzeug ? Futtermittel ? Heizöl ? Kohle ? U-Bahn ? Verbrennung ? Wärme ? Qualitätsmanagement ? Gebühr ? Brennofen ? Energieverbrauch ? Reaktionsmechanismus ? Explosivstoff ? Verbrennungsrückstand ? Verfahrenstechnik ? Brennkammer ? Wirtschaftlichkeit ? Informationsvermittlung ? Energieeinsparung ? Korngröße ? Lagerung ? Ofen ? Rohrleitung ? Feuerung ? Umweltfreundliche Technologie ? Anlagenbau ? Verkehrssystem ? Versuchsanlage ? Datenerhebung ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Brennprozess ? Substitutionseffekt ? Brennraum ? Brennstoffsubstitution ? Anlagenbemessung ?

Region: Baden-Württemberg

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1981-01-07 - 1982-06-28



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