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Residence times across scales: from plot to catchment scale

Description: Das Projekt "Residence times across scales: from plot to catchment scale" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Centre de Recherche Public Gabriel Lippmann, Departement Environnement et Agro-Biotechnologies durchgeführt. Residence times is a key signature to characterize flow and transport at all temporal and spatial scales in different hydrological compartments. It is assumed that the spatial organisation of the landscape controls space-time organisation of the water cycle and related processes and hence the residence time. Combining flux and residence concentration data of natural tracers in water, stable isotopes, and artificial tracers will allow us to predict residence time and flow pathways in the different hydrological compartments as well as integrative for entire watersheds. We will investigate with different methods the fingerprint of hydrological processes found in the signal of isotopic composition and natural and artificial tracers of soil, ground and stream water in space and time. The temporal variability of isotopes in soil water, groundwater and stream water will be combined to benchmark transport and flow models and to derive a new functional form of short to long-term transit time distributions. The spatial patterns of stable isotopes in the saturated and unsaturated zone will be used to derive long-term flow pathways, mixing patterns and the proportion of evaporation to transpiration. Artificial tracer experiments using salt and electric resistivities will vizualize and quantify internal flow pathways in particular preferential flow pathways.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Tierhaltungsanlage ? Fluss ? Tracer ? Transpiration ? Salz ? Brunnen ? Flusswasser ? Bodenwasser ? Hydrogeologie ? Verdunstung ? Ungesättigte Bodenzone ? Benchmarking ? Bewässerung ? Daten ? Wasserströmung ? Hydrochemie ? Isotop ? Limnologie ? Management ? Siedlungswasserwirtschaft ? Strömungsmodell ? Wasserkreislauf ? Wasserspeicher ? Grundwasser ? Wasser ? Boden ? Landschaft ? Fahrradfahren ? Ressource ? Wasserscheide ? Verkehr ? Erdoberfläche ? Hydrologie ? Körperschaft ? EXPERIMENT ? METHODE ? MISCHEN ? NEU ? PFAD ? PROZESSBEDINGT ? Stall ? TRANSIT ? VERFRACHTUNG ? VERTEILUNG ? FORMBLAETTER ? Fluss [Bewegung] ? DAUER ? GEMISCHT ? Genetischer Fingerabdruck ? KONTROLLE ? KURZ ? Konzentrat ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2011-01-01 - 2025-02-04



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