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Two'nd generation PFBC cogeneration plant for eastern German lignite

Description: Das Projekt "Two'nd generation PFBC cogeneration plant for eastern German lignite" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stadtwerke Cottbus GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of this project is to demonstrate efficient and clean Combined Heat and Power (CHP) production from brown coal in a city location, using second generation Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combined-cycle (PFBC) technology. The successful application of PFBC to brown coal in eastern Germany can help ensure the continued use of a domestic source and thus long term stability and security of fuel supply. Experience gained in this PFBC project can be used as a basis for further applications in all EC 'coal countries'. After the demonstration it is also planned to transfer this technology into the CHP market world-wide, with special emphasis on use in populated areas and for rehabilitation of old, polluting power plants. General Information: Stadtwerke Cottbus GmbH operates in the immediate vicinity of the city of Cottbus a CHP plant which supplies the city of Cottbus with electricity and with steam for district heating purposes. The maximum electrical output is 48 MWe, and the maximum district heat output is 230 MW. In addition, Stadtwerke Cottbus purchases hot water for district heating purposes from the Jaenschwalde power plant, situated 9 km from Cottbus and owned by Vereinigte Energiewerke AG (VEAG). The Stadtwerke Cottbus CHP plant currently has four conventional, dry-ash-removal, grate fired steam boilers, equipped with exhaust gas cleaning systems for dust, but with no measures taken to reduce other pollutants such as sulphur and nitrogen oxides. In order to meet new, stricter environmental requirements, the facility urgently needs to be upgraded. After a thorough study, it was found that the best alternative would be to replace the existing equipment with a new, modern, efficient P200 PFBC plant with excellent environmental performance, and to supplement this with two natural gas fired boilers for peak load district heating, while retaining also hot water supply from the Jaenschwalde power plant. Compared to the P200 PFBC plants which have already been built in Sweden, Spain, U.S.A. and Japan, the Cottbus PFBC plant represents second generation PFBC technology. Especially, freeboard firing, i.e., the firing of additional fuel in the region above the fluidized bed, will be used for the first time. The purpose for this is to maintain a high temperature in the flue gas stream also at part load conditions, to improve desulfurization, and to reduce nitrogen oxides formation. In addition, the electrical output from the plant will be enhanced, as a result of the higher temperature at the inlet to the gas turbine expander section of the GT35P machine which drives the air compressors of the PFBC boiler and also generates about 20 per cent of the electricity produced in the plant. Coal feed and ash removal systems will be adapted, as needed, for the brown coal application and non catalytic techniques (SNCR) for reducing of nitrogen oxides will be applied. ... Prime Contractor: Stadtwerke Cottbus GmbH; Cottbus; Germany.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Cottbus ? Weiterverwendung ? Blockheizkraftwerk ? Brennstoff ? Erdgas ? Schweden ? Geräte der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik ? Asche ? Braunkohle ? Elektrizität ? Fernwärme ? Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung ? Rauchgas ? Wärmeversorgung ? Wasserdampf ? Staub ? Schwefel ? Bundesrepublik Deutschland ? Japan ? Lufttemperatur ? Warmwasserbereiter ? Innenstadt ? Kohle ? Luftelektrizität ? Stromerzeugung ? Schwefeldioxid ? Stickoxide ? Umweltleistung ? Warmwasser ? Warmwasserbereitung ? Wirbelschicht ? Energieversorgung ? Europäische Union ? Futtermittel ? Gasturbine ? Elektrizitätswirtschaft ? Kommunale Einrichtung ? Abgasreinigung ? Emissionsminderung ? Energieverbrauch ? Kraftwerk ? Studie ? Stadt ? Stückgut ? Versorgungsunternehmen ? Systemtechnik ? Entschwefelung ? Entstickung ? Anwendungstechnik ? Dampfkessel ? Kommunale Versorgungswirtschaft ? Heizung ? Kessel ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Reduktion [chemisch] ? Warmwasserheizung ?

Region: Brandenburg

Bounding boxes: 6.14466° .. 6.14466° x 50.69716° .. 50.69716°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1996-05-01 - 1999-07-01



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