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Universale Faseroptik: Integration von Faseroptik in Gebaeuden

Description: Das Projekt "Universale Faseroptik: Integration von Faseroptik in Gebaeuden" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bartenbach Lichtlabor GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: Fibre optics allow the possibility of bringing daylight into non daylit or poorly daylit spaces. This project proposes to develop an integrated heliostat/power lamp system to bring daylight when available into these areas using fibre optics. A series of luminaires will be developed to control light output at the fibre end. This system tries to overcome one of the economic barriers to integrating daylight and artificial light where a simple glazing system might provide minimal light (i.e. at some distance from the glazing). A single 'luminaire' distributes light from both artificial and natural light eliminating the need for two systems, a 'luminaire' to distribute daylight (eg from a light duct) and an additional system for artificial light. Description of work: The project is defined by a product development phase , a market research phase which begins by feeding into the product development phase and then leads to product marketing, a phase dealing with the monitoring of an in situ prototype, and guidelines for the installation with energy savings in selected buildings. The project may be summarised as: Development of Fresnel lens based heliostat and integrated dimmable light source. Development of photocell controlled integrator to allow substitution of appropriate amount of artificial light when daylight is inadequate. Choice and development of optimum fibre optic light transmission system with colour correction and minimum attenuation. - Measurement of light distribution at fibre termination and development of procedure for luminaire design. - Development of optimum fibre/luminaire interface for minimisation of losses etc. - Design of appropriate point source luminaires and prismex based diffusing luminaires. - Production and publication of design guidelines giving examples of integration within buildings. - Production of brochure. Expected Results and Exploitation Plans: An integrated heliostat/dimmable power lamp feeding light through an optical transmission system to a series of specially developed point source and diffusing luminaires will be produced. Guidelines for installation in a variety of (commercial) building types with potential energy savings will be developed. Glossy brochures and/or CD roms will be created for distribution at lighting conferences and in EU and international lighting magazines. Lighting fairs will be used to demonstrate the technologies developed in the project. Prime Contractor: University of North London, Low Energy Architecture Research Unit; London/United Kingdom.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: London ? Werkstoff ? Lampe ? Leuchte ? Beleuchtung ? Solarstrahlung ? Optik ? Architektur ? Gebäude ? Licht ? Marketing ? Gebäudetechnik ? Energie ? Energieeinsparung ? Marktforschung ? Monitoring ? Punktquelle ? Rom ? in situ ? Technischer Fortschritt ? Innenraum ? Physikalischer Vorgang ? Transmission ? Faseroptik ? Fresnel-Linse ? Heliostat ? Prototyp ? economics aspects ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2000-01-02 - 2003-01-31



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