Description: Das Projekt "Sources, sinks and impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the Arctic (NSINK), WP5: Aquatic Ecosystems and Palaeolimnology" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Ökologie durchgeführt. The NSINK Initial Stage Network training network targets one of the most vital, interdisciplinary problems facing future Arctic environmental management: namely the enrichment of Arctic terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems by reactive atmospheric nitrogen from low latitude emission centres. This problem will greatly exacerbate ecosystem response to climate change, and urgently requires holistic, sources to sinks type studies of nitrogen dynamics. The delivery of nitrogen from tropospheric and even stratospheric sources will be considered using lagrangian and eulerian approaches that directly link air mass movements to the mass balance of nitrogen at the ground surface. NSINK will then track the fate of this nitrogen through the polar sunrise and into the melt period by considering atmosphere-snow-soil-organism transfers at small plot to catchment scales. Further, in order to constrain temporal change in nitrogen accumulation in this sensitive environment, research into the collection and interpretation of ice core and lake sediment archives will also be undertaken and linked to a reanalysis of atmospheric observations collected over the last 16 years at Ny Ålesund. The concept behind NSINK is that a major European research facility (namely Ny Ålesund in Svalbard) can be used to train a significant cohort of new expertise in environmental science to tackle a major environmental problem from a multidisciplinary perspective. NSINK therefore offers training in atmospheric sciences, snow physics, hydrology, biogeochemistry and aquatic/terrestrial ecology from experienced practitioners in UK , Norwegian, Swedish, Austrian and German institutions. The principal scientific objectives of NSINK are to: 1. Establish the climatology and dynamics of atmospheric nitrogen delivery to the European High Arctic at an unprecedented range of temporal scales; 2. Construct mass balance models of the biogeochemical cycling of reactive nitrogen in the resident snow, ice and ecosystem stores within this part of the European High Arctic; 3. Conduct process studies of nitrogen dynamics that include the use of natural and artificial tracers (where relevant) of the fluxes that link the above stores; 4. Determine ecosystem response to enhanced atmospheric N deposition, and consequences for ecosystem biodiversity, productivity and carbon balance; 5. Produce models with the capacity to forecast ecosystem response to scenarios of coupled climate warming and atmospheric nitrogen enrichment. Fellow 5A ( Nitrogen Cycling in Aquatic Ecosystems ) will consider microbial foodwebs and nitrogen cycling in the aquatic ecosystems of the Ny Ålesund area whilst under the supervision of Birgit Sattler and Roland Psenner. Fellow 5B ( Palaeolimnology ) will work on the palaeolimnology of local lakes in Svalbard under the supervision of Karin Koinig (second supervisor: Anne Hormes). This work will constrain the history and drivers of physico-chemical conditions throughout the late Holocene by exa
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Innsbruck ? Luftstickstoff ? Seen ? Biogeochemie ? Schweden ? Klimatologie ? Ökologie ? Seensediment ? Stickstoff ? Reaktiver Stickstoff ? Tracer ? Vereinigtes Königreich ? Österreich ? Geografische Koordinaten ? Chemie ? Luftbewegung ? Physik ? Szenario ? Luft ? Umweltmanagement ? Globale Erwärmung ? Atmosphärische Wissenschaften ? Arktis ? Management ? Umweltwissenschaft ? Ausbildungsstätte ? Bilanz ? Bodenbewegung ? Bodenluft ? Bodenorganismen ? Bohrkern ? Chemikalien ? Eisenbahn ? Emission ? Aquatisches Ökosystem ? Schnee ? Stickstoffkreislauf ? Stoffbilanz ? Studie ? Troposphäre ? Ausbildung ? Wasserspeicher ? Nassverfahren ? Verbreitungsgebiet ? Schmelzen ? Wirkung ? Atmosphäre ? Biodiversität ? Ökosystem ? Produktivität ? Anreicherung ? Arbeit ? Erdoberfläche ? Forschung ? Übergangsfrist ? Umwelt ? Umweltveränderung ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Gutachten ? Hydrologie ? Klimawandel ? Zeitraum ? Schutzziel ? Körperschaft ? Verbleib ? Ablagerung ? Perspektive ? Erlass [Recht] ? Annäherung ? Schmelzbad ? Empfindliche Umwelt ? Planungsziel ? Qualitätsziel ? See [Binnengewässer] ? Staatsziel ? Bilanz [Betriebswirtschaft] ? Cap [Emissionshandel] ? Holozän ? Umweltproblem ? Nahrungskette, Netzwerk ? Verantwortung ? Dauer ? wissenschaftlich ? Verschiebung ? abholen ? ein- ? ganzheitlich ? gebraucht ? neu ? unter ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2008-11-01 - 2012-10-31
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