Description: Das Projekt "C 1.2: Analysis and manipulation of the agro-biocoenosis for sustainable management of litchi growing systems at hillsides of Northern Thailand" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Pflanzenproduktion und Agrarökologie in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. In the hillsides of northern Thailand, the importance of fruit trees (mainly litchi) is increasing. However, fruit production is limited by a number of biotic and abiotic factors. Frequent applications of herbicides and insecticides result in a grass-dominated herbicide flora of low diversity. Further consequences are low numbers of beneficials, soil erosion and the decline of soil fertility. The aim of the proposed project is the development of a litchi production system with reduced insecticide and herbicide input, which allows both sustainable and profitable land use. This will be achieved by (a) the development of management strategies for preventive measures in pest population control and (b) the establishment of a smother vegetation which leads to an increased diversity of the system, enhancement of beneficials, improved soil conservation and fertility, and which has an additional-use potential (e.g., forage). The experimental approach for studying the effects of management measures (handling of the attendant vegetation and insecticide application in four different treatments) on plant species diversity and the beneficial fauna will be continued from phase 1 in an extended manner. In addition, the long-term monitoring of seasonal changes in abundance of the six major litchi pests, identified in the first phase, will be continued. The migration patterns of these species will also be studied since some of them migrate between the litchi plantations and the surrounding habitats. The parasitoids and predators of these pests will be identified and their abundances recorded. Participatory activities will continue in cooperation with subproject A1.2. They include regular meetings with individual farmers and group interviews for information exchange about pest problems and farmers strategies to cope with these problems. In the first phase, four promising cover legume species with potential for soil enhancement and livestock feeding have been identified. In order to increase biodiversity in fruit orchards, the effects of different mixtures of these species will be studied. At Mae Sa Mai, experiments will show if and how such mixtures, by complementary and compensatory effects, contribute to increased productivity and quality of the understorey vegetation. In addition, changes of soil chemical, physical and biological properties will be monitored. Soil scientist expert advice as well as related data flow is ensured by close cooperation with subprojects B1.2, B2.2 and B3.1. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) will be carried out jointly with A1.2. In the view of the greater role of livestock in the region of the SFB's second research site (Phang Ma Pha), a parallel replication of the legume mixture research is intended for that site in the form of a complementary NRCT project, also including the pest component of the project.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Herbizid ? Bodenvegetation ? Insektizid ? Biopharmazeutikum ? Süßgräser ? Obstbau ? Vegetation ? Obstbaum ? Obstwiese ? Agrarökologie ? Leguminosen ? Erosion ? Vieh ? Viehbestand ? Thailand ? Demografischer Wandel ? Biozönose ? Bodenfruchtbarkeit ? Futtermittel ? Habitat ? Herbizideinsatz ? Insektizidanwendung ? Interview ? Pflanzenart ? Pflanzenproduktion ? Wirkung ? Prädator ? Gebietsfremde Art ? Langzeitbeobachtung ? Stoffgemisch ? Abiotischer Faktor ? Schadorganismus ? Daten ? Flächennutzung ? Informationsvermittlung ? Forschungsprojekt ? Systemanalyse ? Standortbewertung ? Tropengebiet ? Chemische Stoffeigenschaft ? Wirkung ? Fruchtbarkeit ? Bodenmonitoring ? Bodenschutz ? Plantage ? Artenvielfalt ? Nachhaltige Produktion ? Management ? Migration ? Landwirtschaft ? Beteiligung ? Population ? Produktivität ? Vorsorgeprinzip ? Bevölkerung ? Zusammenarbeit ? Schädlingsbekämpfung ? Gebiet ? Fauna ? Flora ? Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung ? Physikalische Größe ? Maßnahme ? Biodiversität ? Gutachten ? FORMBLAETTER ? STILLGELEGT ? Art [Spezies] ? Evaluationsforschung ? BESTANDTEIL ? Vermehrung ? Fütterung ? GRUPPE ? Bodenbedeckung [Abdeckung] ? JAHRESZEITLICH ? DAUER ? Diversität ? NACHHALTIG ? UMLAND ? NOERDLICH ? VERWANDT ? POTENZIAL ? Sachverständiger ? EINSATZ ? PROJEKT ? Produktionsfaktor ? Produktivitätssteigerung ? Projektstudium ? Replikation ? EXPERIMENT ? SICHT ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2003-01-01 - 2006-12-31
Webseite zum Förderprojekt (Webseite)Accessed 1 times.