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European Group of Enterprises for a Network of Information Using Space (EUGENIUS)

Description: Das Projekt "European Group of Enterprises for a Network of Information Using Space (EUGENIUS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Terranis SAS durchgeführt. The Copernicus program is today at a cornerstone: - The Sentinel satellites are being deployed. Their images, associated with Third Party missions' data are being used for delivering Copernicus core services results (at global, European, and regional levels). - The European structures (EEA, ECMWF, EMSA , etc.) and the scientific community are starting to use operationally these data and the results for a better knowledge and understanding of the key land-cover stakes and environmental monitoring. But, the regional actors who are responsible for managing (at least partially) land-cover and natural resources policies have still difficulties to get access to these data and information, and moreover are not in position to combine them with their existing geo-information systems. A group of five SMEs (TerraNIS, Spacebel, Planetek, Terraspatium and Sertit), supported by a consulting firm specialized in Space market innovation and organization (Cap High Tech), are proposing to provide the regional institutional and commercial users with operational information services. These services will take the highest benefit from Copernicus outputs, for territory monitoring and management. These SMEs have decided to put in common their complementary skills and products, in the frame of a dedicated association (called EUGENIUS). They will implement 'regional hubs' (Geo-information platforms) building the first instance of the 'EUGENIUS network'. These regional hubs shall deliver services in the following domains: - Urbanization monitoring and management (densification, preservation of rural and 'green' areas, transportation means, etc.) - Agriculture areas and activities (crop monitoring, crop identification and classification, potential yield assessment, water resources and irrigation, etc.) - Forest monitoring (surfaces, trees species classification, exploitation status, etc.) - assessing and monitoring some natural risks at regional levels (flooding, landslides and water quality)


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Blattgemüse ? Baum ? Ressourcenpolitik ? Überschwemmung ? Feldfrucht ? Waldmonitoring ? Copernicus ? Ernteertrag ? Gebäude ? Geografisches Informationssystem ? Satellit ? Urbanisierung ? Konservierung ? Umweltmonitoring ? Geoinformation ? Management ? Naturgefahr ? Grünfläche ? Innovation ? Monitoring ? Abgrabung ? Artenschutz ? Wasserqualität ? Erdrutsch ? Bewässerung ? Natürliche Ressourcen ? Informationsfreiheit ? Bohrkern ? Landbedeckung ? Daten ? Wassermengenwirtschaft ? Gebiet ? Produkt ? Globale Aspekte ? Politik ? Bewertung ? Abdeckung ? Markt ? Klassifikation ? Verkehrsmittel ? Ländlicher Raum ? Landwirtschaft ? Dienstleistung ? Sentinel ? H2020-EU. - Boost innovation between space and non-space sectors ? Bahnsteig ? H2020-EU. - Enabling exploitation of space data ? Werkzeug ? Netz ? Ortsbestimmung ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2016-10-01 - 2018-11-30




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