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Prevention of asbestos-related diseases in Hungary, Estonia and Karelian Republic of the Russian Federation

Description: Das Projekt "Prevention of asbestos-related diseases in Hungary, Estonia and Karelian Republic of the Russian Federation" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Gießen, Medizinisches Zentrum für Ökologie, Institut und Poliklinik für Arbeits- und Sozialmedizin durchgeführt. General Information: This project aims to improve the safety in the use of asbestos, to evaluate the extent of health risks and to establish diagnostic criteria for asbestos-related diseases in three CCE/NIS countries. The proposed joint research of the six leading national institutes supports directly several technical, medical and administrative actions of prevention. Monitoring and inspection activities are strengthened as well as general awareness of the health risks associated with asbestos at workplaces and in the environment. A total of 300 buildings are inspected for asbestos-containing materials in Budapest, Tallinn and Pedrozavodsk. The methods of sampling and analysis are introduced by training courses and practical exercises. As a result, the participating experts can draft national guidelines for appropriate safety measures according to EU regulations and practices. During two years, a series of 500 lung cancer cases will be interviewed for smoking habits, work history and asbestos exposure. Altogether 50 lung tissue samples will be collected from these three areas, analyzed by electron microscopy and compared with reference values in respect to mineral type and level of asbestos fibers. The lobar distribution of tumor origin will be used as another independent measure of probable exposure to asbestos. Expectedly, about 10 to 20 pleural or peritoneal mesotheliomas are found during the clinical examinations. The mesothelioma diagnoses will be verified and its annual incidence can serve as an indicator of asbestos exposure at a nationwide or regional level. Achievements: Foreseen Results The impact of this project include the significant reduction of asbestos-related diseases in the future as well as the preservation of human resources and scientific knowledge that have been acquired over the years in the participating CCE/NIS countries. Prime Contractor: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health; Helsinki.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Helsinki ? Anorganischer Werkstoff ? Gießen ? Gesundheitsgefährdung ? Reval ? Asbestose ? Biologische Wirkung ? Ökologie ? Schadstoffwirkung ? Tabakrauch ? Elektronenmikroskopie ? Ungarn ? Estland ? Gemeinschaft unabhängiger Staaten ? Arbeitsbedingungen ? Asbest ? Asbestfaser ? Gebäude ? Interview ? Konsumverhalten ? Lungenerkrankung ? Lungenkrebs ? Schadensvermeidung ? Schadstoffexposition ? Umweltbelastung ? Wirkungsanalyse ? Schadstoffanalyse ? Organisches Gewebe ? Kausalanalyse ? Tumor ? Arbeitsplatz ? Vergleichsanalyse ? Krebserkrankung ? Fallstudie ? Budapest ? Mensch ? Monitoring ? Risikoanalyse ? Gesundheitsvorsorge ? Probenahme ? Sozialmedizin ? Mineral ? Asbestverarbeitung ? Karelian-Republic ? Analytik ? Karelien ? Pedrozavodsk ?

Region: Hessen

Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 50.55° .. 50.55°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1997-02-01 - 1999-07-31



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