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14C content of specific organic compounds in subsoils

Description: Das Projekt "14C content of specific organic compounds in subsoils" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität zu Köln, Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie durchgeführt. Organic matter (OM) composition and dynamic in subsoils is thought to be significantly different from those in surface soils. This has been suggested by increasing apparent 14C ages of bulk soil OM with depth suggesting that the amount of fresh, more easily degradable components is declining. Compositional changes have been inferred from declining ä13C values and C/N ratios indicative for stronger OM transformation. Beside these bulk OM data more specific results on OM composition and preservation mechanisms are very limited but modelling studies and results from incubation experiments suggest the presence and mineralization of younger, 'reactive carbon pool in subsoils. Less refractory OM components may be protected against degradation by interaction with soil mineral particles and within aggregates as suggested by the very limited number of more specific OM analysis e.g., identification of organic compound in soil fractions. The objective of this project is to characterize the composition, transformation, stabilization and bioavailability of OM in subsurface horizons on the molecular level: 1) major sources and compositional changes with depth will be identified by analysis of different lipid compound classes in surface and subsoil horizons, 2) the origin and stabilization of 'reactive OM will be revealed by lipid distributions and 14C values of soil fractions and of selected plant-specific lipids, and 3) organic substrates metabolized by microbial communities in subsoils are identified by distributional and 14C analysis of microbial membrane lipids. Besides detailed analyses of three soil profiles at the subsoil observatory site (Grinderwald), information on regional variability will be gained from analyses of soil profiles at sites with different parent material.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Köln ? Altstandort ? Messstation ? Substrat ? Abfallwirtschaftshof ? Altlast ? Campingplatz ? Industriestandort ? Kompostierung ? Lipid ? Material ? Bodenkunde ? Deponie ? On-Site-Verfahren ? Kohlenstoffsenke ? Konservierung ? Sondergebiet ? Güterumschlag ? Unterboden ? Mineralboden ? Waldfläche ? Flächenbewertung ? Abbaubarkeit ? Abgrabung ? Baustelle ? Bioverfügbarkeit ? Archäologische Stätte ? Brutgebiet ? Geologie ? Mineralisation ? Mineralogie ? Boden ? Ruderalfläche ? Modellierung ? Bodenwert ? Wertermittlung ? Anlagenstandort ? Abbau ? Bauland ? Membran ? Mineral ? Off-Site ? Partikel ? Schutzgebiet ? Nichtöffentlicher Bereich ? NEU ? STARK ? GEHALT ? Vermehrung ? WERT ? UNTERIRDISCH ? VERBINDUNG ? GEMEINSCHAFT ? Baulücke ? VERTEILUNG ? GENEHMIGTER STANDORT ? HISTORISCHER STANDORT ? Küstenstandort ? EINGESCHRAENKT ? ERGEBNIS ? BETRAG ? EXPERIMENT ? MECHANISMEN ? Eltern ? BESTANDTEIL ? FRAKTION ? Nachbargrundstück ? AUSGEWAEHLT ? OBERFLAECHE ? PROJEKT ? REGIONAL ? BEWERTEN ? SPEZIFISCH ? STABILISIERUNG ?

Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

Bounding boxes: 6.76339° .. 6.76339° x 51.21895° .. 51.21895°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2013-01-01 - 2025-02-04



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