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Europaeisches gefahrenuebergreifendes Risikoabschaetzungsprojekt

Description: Das Projekt "Europaeisches gefahrenuebergreifendes Risikoabschaetzungsprojekt" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft durchgeführt. General Information: The aim of the project TEMRAP is to develop an integrated methodology on multi-hazard and global risk assessment, on the basis of different experiences carried out in several European countries on natural disasters. The project will be mainly focused on the identification of natural hazards, profile hazards, evaluate their potential consequences, and mapping/zoning data on a GIS based system. The approach will be undertaken at regional scale in Western Italy (macro zoning) and refined in the urban area of Genoa (micro zoning). These objectives will be achieved by the following steps: - investigating scale of hazard representation for different typologies of natural events and defining a common standard of presentation in order to avoid connection conflicts; - investigating physical and physiographic characters of the territory (e.g. litho logy, topography); developing inventory and susceptibility maps and defining possible triggering factors of the several natural hazards affecting the test areas; - investigating the relationship among different natural hazards (induced hazards) (inventory maps and susceptibility maps and defining possible triggering factors); - developing historical catalogues of natural disasters of the test area; - analysing and modelling climate change effects on frequency and distribution of natural hazards; application will be developed, if possible to susceptibility maps and natural hazard maps; - developing a macro zoning multi-hazard map (expected events in defined return periods at regional scale) by using GIS technology; - developing a micro zoning multi-hazard map (site response) by using GIS technology, for selected element of the case study; - investigating and mapping the environmental consequences of industrial accidents caused by natural hazards (Na-Techs); - identifying and mapping socio-economic exposed elements (e.g. industry; utilities; work force; population; cultural heritage); - identifying and mapping socio-economic/vulnerability factors and severity/vulnerability relationship; - to assess risk in terms of social and economic factors by using GIS technology (at regional scale and at site scale); - developing strategies and options for a sustainable development of the territory reducing the effects of natural disasters (mitigation). With respect to the current state of-the-art above mentioned, this project represents the first European case study considering exhaustively the process of sustainable development of the territory under the light of integrated approach to natural hazards. Understanding natural hazard trends with respect to climate change will also highly contribute to the definition of policies and strategies for ... Prime Contractor: Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie l'Energia e l'Ambiente (ENEA), Dipartimento Ambiente Divisione Catratterizzazione Ambiente e Territorio, Sezione Dinamiche Geologiche del Territorio; Lazio; Italy.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Ente ? Gefahrenkarte ? Bodeninformationssystem ? Kartierung ? Kombinationswirkung ? Raffination ? Umweltauswirkung ? Umweltschaden ? Thematische Karte ? Italien ? Topographie ? Geografisches Informationssystem ? Industrie ? Versicherungswirtschaft ? Geoinformation ? Naturereignis ? Geophysik ? Industrieunfall ? Bewertungsverfahren ? Risikoanalyse ? Umweltgeschichte ? Daten ? Wirkungsanalyse ? Internationale Zusammenarbeit ? Stadt ? Verbreitungsgebiet ? Nachhaltige Entwicklung ? Modellierung ? Schadensbewertung ? Kausalzusammenhang ? Europa ? Fallstudie ? Klimafolgen ? Naturgefahr ? Klimaschutz ? Ökologischer Faktor ? Globale Aspekte ? Urbanistik ? Urbaner Raum ? Zoneneinteilung ? Kulturerbe ? Standardisierung ? Risiko ? Sozioökonomische Merkmale ? Informationsgewinnung ? Katastrophe ? Klimawandel ? Klimawirkung ? Risikobewertung ? Unfall ? Schadensermittlung ? Häufigkeit [Ereignis] ? Zeitgeschichte ? Ursache-Wirkung-Beziehung ? Genua ? Objektorientierung ?

Region: Bayern

Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 1998-06-01 - 2000-05-31



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