Description: Das Projekt "Pre-normative work on sampling and testing of solid biofuels for the development of quality assurance systems ('BioNorm')" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Prozess- und Partikeltechnik durchgeführt. The goal of the EU funded BioNorm project is the development of an integrated quality assurance system for the overall provision chain of solid biofuels. Therefore, methods for sampling and sample reduction as well as for the determination of physical/mechanical (e.g. moisture content, ash melting behaviour, particle size distribution) and chemical properties (elemental concentration) of solid biofuels will be investigated and improved. The project work is divided into 6 work packages where 39 partner institutions (together with 15 subcontractors) from 20 European countries (also partners from the Newly Associated States - 'NAS' participate) co-operate. Work package III of the project is concerned with chemical tests and is subdivided into two tasks which are Task III.1 'Determination of sulphur, chlorine and nitrogen and Task III.2 'Determination of major and minor elements. Correct sulphur, chlorine and nitrogen measurements for a wide scope of solid biofuels are needed for secure operation and high availability of biomass combustion and gasification plants (deposition and corrosion aspects) as well as regarding emission reduction and emission regulations (SOx, HCl, PCDD/F, NOx emissions). The correct determination of major and minor elements in biofuels is also of great importance. Major ash forming elements (Al, Si, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, P, Ti) are of key relevance regarding ash melting, deposit formation and corrosion during thermal biomass conversation. Minor elements (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Hg, Mo, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) are of key relevance in respect to particulate emissions as well as the environmental evaluation of the ashes formed and their further utilisation. No quality assurance standards for the determination of these elements in biofuels exist so far. Available test procedures are derived primarily from analyses of coal and are partly not applicable for solid biofuels. Therefore, the objectives of this work package are to test, evaluate and validate determination methods for these elements. For this purpose different promising digestion and measurement methods, applied on several biofuels (among others a wood-bark mixture and straw), will be tested. The most promising method(s) will be optimised and validated on an element by element basis. Based on the outcome of the investigations best practise guidelines for the correct measurement of S, Cl, N as well as of major and minor elements in solid biofuels will be developed. This guidelines will form the basis for the compilation of draft CEN standards.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Biokraftstoff ? Polychlorierte Dibenzodioxine ? Esche ? Polychlorierte Dibenzofurane ? Chlor ? Chrom ? NOx-Emission ? Schwefeloxid ? Quecksilber ? Asche ? Cadmium ? Faulung ? Feststoffgehalt ? Stickstoff ? Zink ? Blei ? Brunnen ? Schwefel ? Biomassevergasung ? Kohle ? Leitfaden ? Partikelemission ? Partikelgrößenverteilung ? Feststoff ? Regulierung ? Stroh ? Verbrennung ? Vergasung ? Korrosion ? Feuchtigkeitsmessung ? Qualitätsmanagement ? Kind ? Korngrößenverteilung ? Graz ? Pflanzenverfügbarkeit ? Messung ? Chemikalien ? Emission ? Emissionsminderung ? Messverfahren ? Staat ? Stoffgemisch ? Sediment ? Chemische Stoffeigenschaft ? Schmelzen ? Bestimmungsmethode ? Bewertung ? Vergasungsanlage ? Bildung ? Finanzierung ? Richtlinie ? Umwelt ? Verpackung ? Arbeit ? Anlagenbetrieb ? Bedarf ? Biomasse ? Norm ? Zusammenstellung ? Erfassung ? Ableitung ? Formblätter ? Zweckbestimmung ? Länder ? angewandt ? best ? Bezug ? bestehend ? bewerten ? Methode ? neu ? sonstig ? thermisch ? verfügbar ? Nutzung ? Probe ? Deckungssumme ? Projekt ? Aspekt ? Schmelzbad ? Untersuchung ? Ablagerung ? Verdauung ? Verfügbarkeit ? Verhalten ? Emissionsreduction ? Verringerung ? Betriebsvorschrift ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2002-01-01 - 2004-12-31
Accessed 1 times.