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Priorities and strategies to support Cultural Heritage Research Activities within ECTP and future FP7 activities (CHRAF)

Description: Das Projekt "Priorities and strategies to support Cultural Heritage Research Activities within ECTP and future FP7 activities (CHRAF)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fundacion Labein durchgeführt. The Focus Area Cultural Heritage (FACH) is one of the 7 Focus Areas (FAs) of the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP). So far, a first version of the FACH Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) has been launched in Dec 2005 and integrated into the ECTP and its SRA through the ECTP Support Group (SG). An Action Plan for its sound integration into the ECTP and FP7 is starting now. The overall objective of CHRAF is to support the FACH activities regarding Cultural Heritage (CH) research, its dissemination, coordination and integration into the ECTP and FP7. Partial objectives: - To help identify priorities and develop strategies regarding CH Research as input to the ECTP and its SRA as well as to future FP7, - To support the organisation and co-ordination of the FACH of the ECTP and its Working Groups (WGs) in relation to the other ECTP FAs and its WGs, - To promote the exchange of information and dissemination of results of FP5-FP6 projects in CH research. Main measurable results: - 3 updated & upgraded versions of FACH SRA implemented within the ECTP, - Synthesis of clear research priorities recommendations for FACH s SRA implementation in FP7 work programme for 2007, 2008 and 2009, - A secretariat for the FACH, set up and recommendations for future structure of the FACH within the ECTP and relations with other Fora and European Platforms CH related, - Mapping FP5-FP6 projects in CH and information exchange activities, - Assessment of results regarding FP5-FP6 projects in CH & recommendations for further exploitation, - Dissemination and exploitation plans & deployment. The consortium is formed by 4 partners from 3 member states: VINCI and UL FGG, as FACH co-ordinators and members of the ECTP s SG, CSTB as ECTP secretariat and Labein, as a relevant FACH and ECTP member. FACH s relevant members will participate in the project as subcontractors. In total it will represent 10 research institutes, 7 universities and 6 industries or SMEs. 1017903 The PICTURE project aims at providing a substantial contribution to the fight against illegal trade and theft of coins which appears to be a major part of the illegal antiques market. For this goal, state-of-art Information Technology will be used. The project will develop standardized inventories by defining a domain ontology based on CIDOC-CRM, the standard ontology for Cultural Heritage, and a multilingual thesaurus. Data management tools will be created as well, and a specialized web search tool. The recognition of coins will be based on new algorithms of pattern recognition and image processing, in a field (classification and identification of ancient coins) as yet unexplored. The project will disseminate its results also by means of a demonstrator freely accessible on the Internet. Substantial contribution to the project will come from stakeholders, some of which are present in the partnership, which includes the Italian law enforcement organisation Carabinieri and three major national museums wit


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Abfallsammlung ? Brunnen ? Internet ? Bildverarbeitung ? Kataster ? Bodenaustausch ? Berechnungsverfahren ? Rechtsverfahren ? Gesetz ? Interessenvertreter ? Management ? Technik ? Thesaurus ? Norm ? Forschung ? Klassifikation ? Körperschaft ? Gebiet ? Messergebnis ? Kulturerbe ? Strategische Aspekte ? geplant ? Beitrag ? Aktualisierung ? national ? neu ? sonstig ? wichtig ? Bezug ? Ergebnis ? Gegenwart ? Geisteswissenschaften ? Gruppenarbeit ? Hilf ? Inkraftsetzen ? Koordinierung ? Kulturtechnik ? Lernziel ? Partnerschaft ? Partnership ? Projekt ? Verarbeitung ? Verhältnis ? Werkzeug ? abholen ? alt ? ausgewählt ? austauschen ? ein- ? fördern ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2006-10-01 - 2008-03-31



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Accessed 1 times.