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Climate Engineering on Land: Potentials and side-effects of afforestation and biomass plantations as instruments for carbon extraction (CE-LAND WP5) Land use trade-offs in terrestrial CDR pathways

Description: Das Projekt "Climate Engineering on Land: Potentials and side-effects of afforestation and biomass plantations as instruments for carbon extraction (CE-LAND WP5) Land use trade-offs in terrestrial CDR pathways" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. The objective of this project is to provide a comprehensive quantification of the potentials and consequences of large-scale terrestrial Carbon Dioxide removal (CDR) as a strategy for climate engineering (CE). Using two state-of-the-art modeling systems, MPI-ESM and LPJmL, we will quantify Carbon sequestration potentials of four different forest CDR types: semi-natural forest, managed forest and biomass plantation of woody and herbaceous plant types, for various biomass utilization pathways such as conventional wood usage or CCS. The analysis includes associated changes in ecosystem processes and surface properties and their effects on, and feedbacks to, local to global climate. We will additionally analyze (unintended) consequences of these different terrestrial CDR strategies vis-à-vis other prospective use of land and water resources, particularly for food production and ecosystem conservation, and identify regions where afforestation is judged to be sustainable from this broader perspective. WP 5 - Land use trade-offs in terrestrial CDR pathways.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Landespflege ? Kohlenstoff ? Nebenwirkung ? Kohlendioxid ? Nahrungsproduktion ? Wirkung ? Konservierung ? Staude ? Klimafolgenforschung ? Aufforstung ? Biomassenutzung ? Flächennutzung ? Stand der Technik ? Großprojekt ? Modellierung ? Plantage ? Nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung ? Holzbiomasse ? Plantagenwald ? Klimarisiko ? Globales Klima ? Ökosystem ? Wald ? Biomasse ? Gebiet ? CCS-Technologie ? Strategische Aspekte ? Geoengineering ? Carbon Dioxide Removal ? GEWINNUNG ? NUTZUNG ? PERSPEKTIVE ? PFAD ? POTENZIAL ? SONSTIG ? Schadstoffelimination ? VORAUSBLICKEND ? Buchgrundstück ? Werkzeug ? KONVENTIONELL ?

Region: Brandenburg

Bounding boxes: 13.01582° .. 13.01582° x 52.45905° .. 52.45905°

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2013-06-01 - 2016-05-31



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Accessed 1 times.